Chapter 8

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Sierras pov

Its been a month since I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and today the doctors are running more rest to see if it's gone.

"well Sierra here's the good news, you are completely Cancer free bad news is because of all the chemo treatment you'll never be able to conceive a child im sorry" he said

"oh I'll never be a mother" I sobbed, after my appointment I went home and Kyle was home sitting on the couch, we bought an apartment together.

"Hey baby how'd the appointment go " he said kissing me and I started crying

"oh Kyle I'll never get to be a mother, I can't have children because all the chemo treatments have made me Inferital" I said he hugged me

"Hey shh its okay we can always adopt or use a surrogate don't worry I will find some way for you to be a mother I promise hey let's go out tonight" he said I nodded and went to go get dressed.

Kyle's pov

The reason I wanna take her out tonight is because Im gonna propose I asked Jason and he said yes, I know we've only together for a little while but it feels likes I've been with her for years and I love her and I know she's the one so I'm gonna ask her to marry me. After we were both ready we went to the resturant and sat down

"so what's the occasion" she asked

"well I just figured we needed a night to ourselves and besides when do I ever need a reason to take my beautiful girlfriend on a date" I said she giggled I smiled and kissed her hand.

Sierras pov

We had the best time talking eating just being with eachother when Kyle stood up

"there is something I need to ask you" he said getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring box

"Sierra when we first met it was in Afghanistan you carried me out of the field and you got hurt saving my life, I knew from that moment that you were the woman I wanted to spend forever with, I love you and your my everything and my best friend so will you marry me" he said pulling out a beautiful ring

"oh Kyle yes I'll marry you" I said kissing him everyone in the restaurant started clapping at he slid the ring on my left finger I smiled at him I can't believe Im getting married to my best friend and my true love.

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