Chapter One: Don't Let The Days Go By

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 Kate Rosewood huddled in a corner of the abandoned BP gas station. She was all alone, Kate had always been frightened of the end of the world but never imagined it would happen in her lifetime. The walkers were everywhere outside, she had maybe two bullets left in her gun, a hunter knife that desperately needed to be sharpened lay at her side. "Oh god." She whispered over and over again, hoping for someone to come rescue her. How she survived this long was a mystery. 

The front doors flung open, Kate screamed like she was starring in a horror film, her hands pressed tightly on either side of her face, her eyes closed tightly. This is it, she thought. The walkers must had pushed their way threw and there was nothing Kate could do now, she had accepted death the minute she arrived in this small gas station, she even thought of offing herself, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. A violent, painful death now awaited her.

When she heard sounds of a shotgun going off, she opened up her eyes. When she saw a silhouette of a person, hope filled up inside her. The silhouette was now more clearly seen, even though Kate's vision was blurred. Now the silhouette, who was obviously a male, was sliding his hands underneath her and picking her up. She closed her eyes and clung to the man as they ran out of the gas station.

The heat in the car made Kate relax, she didn't realize that while in the gas station she was becoming an icicle. The man who had saved her entered the driver's side, he didn't even look at Kate when he put the car in drive and drove off down the road, going well over the speed limit. 

"Um, thank you." Kate managed to say, her voice cracked when she spoke, her throat hurt from screaming so loud. The man just nodded and grunted softly. 

Kate studied the man, his body was built well, his skin was tan and he had black hair started to grow out, a type of goatee grew on his face. "Kate" She blushed as the man glanced over at her out of the corner of his eye and gave her a look. "I mean, I'm Kate. That's my name." She nervously laughed. 

"Shane." He responded, a very faint smile appeared on his lips. After a while of silence, the man named Shane spoke again. "What were you doing back there? I'd have to say that wasn't the best place to take shelter." 

"No, I guess not. But I was being chased by a herd, I was all alone. I had nothing that could help me. I took the first sign of shelter." Kate shrugged her shoulders. "I honestly was going to use my last bullet to-" Her voice trailed off.

"Kill yourself?" Shane snorted.

"Yeah, I guess. Couldn't do it though, obviously." She wrinkled her nose and looked out the window at the sun slowly rising in the east. "I didn't realize I've been up all night." She mumbled to herself as her eyes started to become noticeably heavy.

"Huh?" Shane glanced over at Kate who had slumped down in the passenger side seat, her eyes closed, it was obvious she had fallen asleep in just a matter of seconds. "Poor girl." Shane shook his head and continued driving towards an unknown destination. 

"Shane?" Lori walked up behind Shane who was reloading his gun. Shane stood and looked at Lori. God she was beautiful he thought to himself. "Yeah?" He replied, sliding his gun in his holster. "I'm scared, Shane." Lori lowered her head, walking up to Shane and resting her head on her believed deceased husband's best friend's chest. Shane hesitated for a moment before placing his hand around her back and the other running through her hair. Despite showers being a luxury, she smelled of strawberries in the summer. Shane sighed contently.

"Ah, hell!" Shane slammed on the break and the car fishtailed, smacking into two walkers. Kate quickly awoke and shrieked. "Hold on!" Shane yelled as they skidded into the ditch, almost flipping the car over. Shane had began to daydream about the past and hadn't been paying attention to the road causing them to crash.

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