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"Don't touch my hair Adam or God forbid what'll happen next,"I snap at my brother who's trying to annoy me, succeeding in doing so.

Today was our first day at a new school. I'm not really ready to put on a fake act again but my opinion doesn't matter, not any more. So as we get out off my car, I plaster a fake smile on my face and I walk down the corridor.

Eyes were pinned onto the bodies of me an my brother as we walk together, practically glued together. That's the thing about me and my brother, we don't hate each other like most siblings. In fact, we are very close but we do have our moments when we annoy each other.

As I scan the area I see people whispering to their friends, more than likely they are talking about me and my brother. Usually it's normal for the new girl to be nervous but trust me, my heart is practically clawing at my skin to let it out. My heart rate is nearly shooting out of the roof, all the way into space.

Sweat is laced all around my clammy palms, making me wipe them on my jeans. With a fake smile, head held high and now none sweaty hands, I strut my way down the corridor.

Don't get me wrong, if I made actual real friends then I'm sure that I'd be happier than I am now. Yet, something in me doesn't let me take my guard down. It used to be easy to read my emotions, I was an open book but now you can't trace any emotions from me unless I want them to be seen.

"I love you Adam,"I mumble as I kiss my brothers cheek, bidding goodbye as we walk separate ways to our classes.

Once I reach my first class, which I'm late for, I gently push the door open. After taking a deep breathe and considering making a run for it, I walk into the classroom. Heaps of heads turn towards me, judging my every move but good job I know how to make an excellent impression from years of practice.

"Scarlett Hartford?"The teacher questions as she looks at a sheet. Her glasses are perched on the bridge of her nose, annoyance and strictness clearly written all over her face.

"Yes, miss.harrington is it?"It was easy to make an impression and I have something else that'll make her love me.

"Yeah,"Miss.Harrington replies with a slight hint of a smile on her lips.

"Thats a very lovely top if I say so myself,"I gush with another fake smiles etched across my lips as i brush some hair away from my face, watching as the teacher blushes.

"Thank you Scarlett, take a seat anywhere you want,"She grins and I observe the class.

My eyes land on an open seat next to a girl with ginger hair. As I study her I can tell that she's a happy person. So I decide to sit next to her because she seemed like the only person willing to let me sit next to them. Other people had slammed their bags into the seats next to them, making sure that I couldn't sit next to them but this girl was the only one who left the seat next to her open.

"I'm Lavine Peters,"She shyly smiles, holding her hand out for me to shake.

I shake her hand and smile at her, a real smile this time. That made my eyes widen because I've never smiled properly at anyone other than my brother. Her smile falters when she sees my frown and widened eyes.

"I'm Scarlett Har-"I go to say but I get cut off by Lavine finishing my name of. Her cheeks flush red at the fact that she cut me off, but I didn't mind.

"Nice to know you listened,"I giggle which also shocked me because I've never giggled for around thirteen years.

When lunch time rolls around, I walk into the cafeteria with Lavine. We've had most classes together and we learnt a lot about each other seeing as we talked instead of doing our work, not that the teachers cared though. I didn't reveal any clues about my past though, that was a major no in my world.

Lavine directs me to a table where two girls as one boy are seated. They all notice me and Lavine, waving at us both even though they didn't know me. As Lavine sits down, I slide into the seat next to her watching the people in front of us.

"That's Octavia Adams, Rosie Harrington and Daniel Flint,"Lavine points to them all, my eyes widen when she says Rosie Harrington.

"Are you Miss.Harrington's daughter?"I question causing Rosie to nod and sigh.

"Please don't leave because of that. Trust me, many people have,"Rosie sighs and I laugh at how absurd that is.

"Why would I leave? Just because you're the daughter of a teacher doesn't make you any different,"I smile at Rosie and she grins at me, relief written all over her eyes.

In all honesty I feel at home with these guys. For some unknown reason, I feel safe with them and I've never felt so content in my life, other than with my brother. I think I'll form a real and strong bond with the four people who are seated at the table with me.

Let's hope this friendship will actually last, unlike the others...

This is the first and trashy chapter of this book. I'll edit this chapter soon probably.

I hope you enjoy this you lil cuties

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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