Careful; I might Bite. - Chapter Twenty -

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, WHY IS UPDATING SO HARD?! *bashes forehead on my keyboard* D: ...

                 "Alright, you haven't even touched your Ice cream yet. What's wrong?"

                  Darren's voice broke the silence. Looking down, he was indeed correct. The two luscious chocolate-chip scoops were melting, dripping down the sides of the wafer cone. Such a waste.

                  We'd escaped the excited crowds of people for a few minutes to sit at a bench close by the entrance. I purposely avoided glancing at the slime-ball selling the tickets.

                 "Nothing. I'm fine." I lied, licking the top of the now creamy gloop. In all of my life, I could never remember not being able to eat something so ... tempting and sugary. And, what's worse? I didn't even think I had a valid reason behind it.

                  Well, I had a reason. Just not a good one.

                 That Werewolf cartoon has really been getting to me. It's not that it's scary to me or anything like that. I mean, it's a spooky ride, it's supposed to be that way for Heaven's sake. But, each time I recalled that cruel, animalistic face, all I wanted to do was shout up to the Decorator and give him a fucking piece of my mind. Werewolves aren't all murderous monsters ya know!

                   Most of the time.

                  "Lying to me won't do you much good. I'm just gonna end up finding out sooner or later." He persisted. When I only replied with a roll of my eyes, Darren sighed ... and proceeded to attack my Ice-Cream cone.

                  "Hey!" I exclaimed, jumping a little in my seat. Laughing, I pulled the treat away from him.

                   An old woman walking past, hand in hand with a little boy, gave us a weird look as I clutched at my sides, trying to stop my ribs from breaking in half. Darren smirked, showing off brown, chocolate covered lips.

                  "I think you've got a little something there ..." I pointed out with the aid of my faithful sarcastic nature.

                  He scowled a little, wiping away the evidence with a spare tissue from his pocket. He'd still managed to miss a small bit.

                   "Come here." I took the tissue from his hands and reached forward to clean his chin. He scrunched his eyes together, which only made me giggle more. I whispered 'All done' once I was satisfied he didn't look like he'd been pelted with mud.

                   For a moment, my hands simply stayed where they were, slightly cupping his face. He didn't move to push me away.

                   The warm, butterfly-feeling inside me had nothing to do with what my body was used to.

                  This is so unfair. The way his irises, gray but smoldering, almost lured me into thinking about him was incredibly immoral. Or perhaps just incredible ...

                 "The surprise isn't over just yet."

                 I blinked away the day-dream haze; Darren smiled sweetly at me, not looking even the slightest bit embarrassed. Not like me.

                "Oh?" was the first response my brilliant vocabulary could provide.

                "The Fair isn't the only reason why I like to come here." With a twinkle in his eyes that was hard to resist, he stood up, taking my wrist so gently between his fingers that my own eyes flickered downwards to see if he was actually touching me at all.

                 Leading me forward, with just enough time to drop the rest of my ice-cream in the bin, we both jogged through the mass of people, rides and stands and out into the remainder of the field. The grass was now knee high when it wasn't flattened by the Fairground.

                 It was getting quite dark, but Darren didn't need my help to apparently get where he wanted to go.

                We approached row after row of trees - the hand gripping mine hardly hesitated to keep going. I didn't either. As long as Darren was with me, I felt ... protected.

                 I held back a weak laugh. It should be me who needed to protect him, not the other way around.

                As we moved even further in, something about the forest of trunks seemed familiar. Except, I couldn't put my finger on it. What could possibly stick out from a wood that was no different to any other?

                 Then it hit me.

                "We've both been here before."

                 "I was wondering when you'd figure that out." I couldn't see his face but I knew he was grinning. He stopped to skid down a muddy trail. Immediately, he held out his hand. Taking it gratefully, within seconds I had joined him.

                 "Are we heading back to your shed?" I questioned.

                "Nope. Where we're going isn't too far off though."

                Sighing, I concentrated on following his foot-falls. Human or not, tripping over is a very cringe worthy mistake.

                I hadn't been counting how long we'd been moving for, but as we slowed down, a ray of moonlight lit the forest floor.

               "Okay," Darren whispered. Suddenly, he took a few steps back and positioned himself behind me. I felt his palms cover my eyes. "Sorry. But, trust me, when you finally see it, it'll make it all the more beautiful."

                Trusting Darren was as easy as breathing. Natural. When he walked, my legs did too.

                Oddly, it wasn't just the sounds of the wood that I heard. Along side the hoots of owls and scuffling of night animals, trickling water met my ears.

               When Darren eventually took his hands away, I gasped.

              Beautiful, Darren had said. And beautiful it was.

             Before us was a stretch of deep blue water. Too big to be a pond; too small to be a Lake. Surrounding the edges were sparkling pebbles - green, silver, red. Floating on the serene surface were groups of Lillypads, their petals reaching out to the sky.

             "It's ... it's so ..." I stuttered, unable to think of any word that could do this fabulous setting justice. Instead of finishing my sentence, I turned around to see him. He bit his lip nervously, waiting for my reaction.

             "Thankyou," I smiled. "For bringing me here." It was perfect. One day that I would hold close to my heart forever.

             "Anything for you, Ruby. Anything for you."

            The one thing though, that could have somehow completed the entire evening, arrived.

             A kiss.

Careful; I might Bite. [A Werewolf Romance]Where stories live. Discover now