Chapter TwentyFour|~|RSPCA

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Hey guys, sorry haven't updated in ages but Wattpad was being annoying and decided it wouldn't save part of this chapter! >:(
Hope you enjoy!

Weedpaw awoke and it was still dark.

As soon as she stepped out of the den she knew that it was nearly dawn. The air was a little warm and she didn't feel sleepy at all. To her surprise no one was about. Normally, even with Stoneclaw's early training sessions there were already cats around when she woke up.

So she just sat, gazing up at the moon, waiting for someone to wake.

Out of her peripheral vision she saw her surroundings change, but the moon remained.

"Crow?" a voice said to her.

She snapped her head up and saw Haretsar staring at her.

"That's Seedrush to you!" she blurted automatically.

Harestar looked confused and frankly, so was she.

"What are you talking about?"

Before anything unplanned could come out of her mouth she found herself staring at the moon back in camp. Evidently she wasn't the only one doing some staring. Stoneclaw was glaring right at her, looking annoyed and impatient.

"Anyone there?!" he yowled into her ear and she jumped backwards.

"Well, I'm sorry if I wasted any of your quality time with the moon but in real life we TRAIN!"

She 'humbly' began to walk towards the entrance, his first yell ringing in her ears.

She could hear her mentor muttering but couldn't make out his words.

The sun was beginning to come up and when they reached the lake she could see it rising over WindClan territory. It was nearly beautiful enough to sacrifice her other ear to Stoneclaw but she thought better of getting lost in a daydream again.

"Today we're going to learn how to climb trees . . ."

Oh crud

 \  ~  /

Weedpaw limped into camp yet again.

She had a bruised shoulder from hitting it on a branch and to be fair she couldn't hear very well. Stoneclaw had yelled into her ears more than was necessary. It was sunhigh and she was starving.

Grabbing a piece of prey from the fresh-kill pile she settled where she had sat last night. Pinepaw was probably out training.

She was half-way through the piece of prey when Stoneclaw pranced up to her.

"You're assessment is tomorrow."

"WHAT!?" she jumped up and looked at him.

He said nothing.

"It is only supposed to happen in a moon."

"Harestar was watching you at training today and she thinks you're ready."

Weedpaw remained still and silent.

"You're assigned to ShadowClan."

"That's like, the hardest clan!"


She gave him a glare and sat down.

"Whatever you say master," she muttered.

"What was that?" now it was her mentor's turn to glare.


He stuck his chin in the air and pranced away.

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