Chapter 4: What, Me Angry?

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Every time I try and uncover something new, it seems more evidence comes to me, putting my theories back to square 1. I read the next few chapters of this mysterious new book to see if i could figure out their writing style, but I didn't know what it could be. It felt highly unusual, because these were chapters for a new story that was published on my own Wattpad account! I ask you all...what's up with that? I was now more desperate than ever to figure out who made these stories, or else I was going out of business forever on Wattpad.

When will this hacker show their face? When shall the shadow of darkness and my personal despair be lifted, and disappear forever? Who was this butt faced douche making me look like a fool on the internet? Questions I wouldn't know for ages yet, or maybe I would never know at all. I needed to get outside and clear my poor head. I ventured out, and when I stepped into the sun, I could feel the glare from it bearing down on me from above, like an idiot staring at an extremely bright light bulb, combined with the intense heat of 30 degrees celsius. It didn't feel right, but to be fair, I never ventured out often, as I've already told you all.

I sat out there for a while for 2 reasons; 1) I obviously needed some sun on my skin, and 2) because my mind was fast, and I was furious. Furious about the fact that some stupid half-wit of a hacker managed to get into my account, and write stories better than I can.

I know that when I brought this place, when I wasn't writing stories, I would try and hit a punching bad to get out my anger. I slipped on a singlet top (Tank top for Americans), changed into camo print shorts, slipped on my boxing gloves, and I landed hit after hit on it. With every hit, I shouted words too rude to put in this story, but let's just say you would've stepped back and said "Wow, that guy is angry". Each punch hit with a devastating force (devastating to me, considering my average strength). It took a few hours for me to get back from being in a rage, to sweating, but calm and focused. I was breathing heavily, like i'd just run a marathon, but at least I was calmer now. I'm going inside, and I need to figure out how I can flush this hacker out, like the turd they are.

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