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Hey guys! Here's Chapter 2. Sorry for mistakes, I was too lazy to edit.


FINALLY IT'S LUNCH TIME! The only part of the day I actually like!

Since I don't drive, I usually stay on campus for lunch, and eat school lunch. I know you're probably thinking 'ew school lunch? that's nasty!' And yes school lunch is nasty, it's like prison food. No actually I'm pretty sure prisons give out better food. But sometimes the school actually gives out somewhat good food, and it usually doesn't taste that bad.

Who am I kidding school lunch tastes like shit, except for the crispitos, the crispitos are amazing!

After I got my lunch, I searched for my usual group of friends, and there they were sitting outside in our usual spot. I approached the girls and greeted them,

"Hey girls!" in return I was attacked with cheers, squeals and hugs. To say I missed these girls was an understatement, I rarely talked to any of my girls over summer break.What? I was going through my teenage depression state and I'm not quite cured yet.

We sat down updating eachother about our summers. Turns out none of us have done anything really productive. Not surprising. I'm just glad we are all finally reunited. These girls were not just my friends, they were my best friends, my sisters. You see I can be very social and have many acquaintance, almost friends even, but these girls were something else.

There was Candie, my black best friend ever since 7th grade. She's my girl, my homie g, my home skillet, my...well you get the point. She's skinny and flawless. She literally doesn't wear any make up and she looks great, not to mention her skin is the most softest feeling in the world. She might look and sometimes act like a badass. But really she's the most innocent and goody girl out there. And out of all of us in the group, she usually can be the most mature one. She's my dance partner, we're always dancing and you can say we're pretty good. We're basically the only girls who actually dance hip hop along with my other girls. So kudos for us!

Then there's Lexie, she's my other black friend! At Skyline High School there are about 5 black people and our school is pretty big, so it's a big did. Okay not really, but I like to think because, I'm bestfriends with 2 out of the 5 black people at our school, I'm cool. Lexie is really goofy. She's always smiling and happy. I would smile all the time too if I had her straight perfect pearly white teeth. One thing about Lexie is, she's a good girl who just likes to smoke weed and drink occasionally. But she's always hiding because her mom is the most strict person in the world. Lexie also dances but she dances more close with Cayla.

What we all have in common in our group is the love for music and dance.

Cayla is my white girl! She's a sweetheart! Not only that but she's probably the only white girl I know who can move and dance like no other, she be gettin' it! (BTW I occasionally will talk slang and get ghetto sometimes). On top of it all she has a beautiful face, nice teeth, and she's thick, so that means she has a nice body, hour glass figure, a big booty and everything!

Then we have Talia. she, is something else. How do I say this nicely?...She's an air head. She is really slow and doesn't get things right away. But we love her. She definitely can not multitask. She's just Talia. There's not much to say about her really. If we're being honest here, I've known her since 5th grade but never really liked her until last year.

Last is Kate. Kate is just a bitch, I hate her. Just kidding I love Kate. I have a different connections with each of the girls and my connection with Kate is something else. We bond over being fan girls and music. Anything that happens we automatically contact the other. Then we spend endless hours talking about it. Basically all of our texts are fangirling in capslock. We just understand each other. We're there for each other, I'm not saying the other girls aren't there for me, but they just don't fully get it and understand the way Kate and I understand each other. We've been through so much. There's no other way to say it, we just understand eachother. All the fights and arguments and crying just bring us closer.

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