Fun and Promises

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Jeff dropped the handheld pink, sparkly mirror to the floor in shock and horror. He looked up with terrified eyes.
"Sally..." he whispered, "what have you done to me?"
Sally giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.
"I made you bootiful!" She said proudly. Jeff's eye twitched. His hair as been twisted into two piggy-tails, tied up with two bright pink hair ties. Ben laughed, picking up another mirror to see his own hair. Two hot-pink bows were clipped on either side of his hair.
"Hmm," he murmured thoughtfully, "not bad Sally!" Sally's eyes lit up and she grabbed the boy's hands.
"C'mon, it's time for the pretty makeup!" 
Jeff groaned and tried to escape, but Sally tackled him, clutching his hand firmly in her two smaller ones, and pulled him forcefully towards the makeup station. Ben thought it was a hilarious sight, the furious 8 year old girl dragging the desperate 19 year old boy over pastel coloured stuffed toys towards the bright array of makeup. Ben stifled a laugh, knowing the killer would make him sorry. As it was, Jeff was staring daggers at the elf boy, who clapped a hand over his mouth as Sally attacked Jeff with a powder brush. Ben burst out laughing as Jeff coughed and spluttered from the powder. He glared at Sally as the young girl descended upon him like a mighty angel of makeup with a lipstick in one hand and blush in the other. Ben lost it laughing, clutching his aching stomach as he slid down the wall, laughing so hard that tears came to his eyes and he made no sound. Jeff growled as Sally finished with him, and he stormed over to Ben, who had collapsed in silent laughter in a heap on the ground, shoulders quaking from the laughter. Jeff grabbed the boy's green collar, and yanked him to his feet. Ben wiped away the blood on his cheeks and sank down into the chair Jeff threw him into. He didn't even get a chance to see Jeff's face as Sally descended on his own face. About 10 minutes later, he was also finished, and Sally stepped back to admire her handiwork.
"Hmmm," she hummed thoughtfully. "I like it! You can see yourselves now!" Sally ran over to a tall pink mirror on the the back of her wardrobe door, pulling down the blanket she had covered it with. Ben and Jeff stared at their reflections, before sliding their eyes to the others' face. The slowly began to laugh hysterically, from horror and amusement. Jeff's Chelsea Smile was surrounded in clown-like red lipstick, his face was an artificial pink colour, and he had bright blue eyeshadow from his eyes to his eyebrows. Ben, on the other hand, had green eyeshadow blending into purple, a small amount of blush, and pale pink lipstick. He looked pretty much like a weird looking girl. Jeff looked at Sally.
"How come his is so much better than mine?" He whined. Sally smirked and crossed her arms across her chest childishly.
"Because I like Ben more than you!" She teased, poking her tongue out at Jeff, who gasped comically. Ben laughed and shoved Jeff into the pile of toys and pillows beside him, and grabbed Sally's hand, yelling "Run!" As the killer jumped up and made a grab for their feet. Sally squealed in excitement and followed Ben out of the room and down the stairs to the landing, the clownish killer following closely behind. Ben ducked under Hoodies arms, as the proxie walked out of the kitchen holding a huge sandwich. Sally laughed as she crashed into Masky, who's cheesecake went flying through the air. Sally quickly apologised to Masky as she continued to run alongside Ben, but the pair stopped in their tracks as a fierce roar came from behind them. Sally and Ben spun to see Jeff on the floor, cheesecake covering him from head to toe. Ben and Sally collapsed in a fit of giggles. Masky and Hoodie joined in as Jeff got to his feet, only to slip on the slippery, cheesecake covered floor, sending him crashing onto his backside again. Slenderman stepped out of the joining room, to find Ben and Sally crying with laughter, clinging hold of each other again the wall, Masky and Hoodie supporting each other as they gasped for breath between laughing, and Jeff sitting in a pile of cheesecake, fury radiating from him. Slenderman sighed and clicked his fingers, the cheesecake mess disappearing. Jeff slowly stood up, still covered in the desert. Masky, Hoodie, Ben and Sally slowly stopped laughing, not an easy task with the look on Jeff's face, which threatened to set them off again. Eventually they got ahold of their senses and looked expectantly at Slender. They all bowed their heads with their hands behind their backs like troublesome schoolchildren, even the two proxies. Slenderman crossed his arms.
"Masky, Hoodie, go find Toby and report back to my office. You are in for a hell of a mission after this. Ben, Sally, you two go and help Jeff tidy up, and you can be on dish duty tonight. I don't want anymore mess or disturbances. Understood, children?"
Everyone nodded. Masky and Hoodie walked past Ben and Sally to do as Slenderman ordered, but Ben caught the wink Masky send them from beneath his expressionless mask. Ben smiled again, and nudged Sally's arm to get her to follow him as Jeff stormed upstairs.

When they reached the first bathroom, Ben heard a small sobbing noise. He quickly told Sally to go help Eyeless Jack with whatever he was doing in the kitchen, and carefully opened the door.
Jeff was standing at the small basin and mirror with tears streaming down his face as he tore the hair bands out of his hair and scrubbed at his face to remove the makeup.
"J-Jeff?" Ben asked hesitantly. Jeff gasped and met Ben's gaze in the mirror. He spun around, hiding his face behind his hair. As he turned, his foot slipped in a small puddle of water. Ben rushed forward to grab Jeff's arm, as Jeff reached out to him. Jeff's head hit the edge of the basin with a loud thunk and the white ceramic basin smashed, crashing down into Jeff as the killer lay there, dazed. Ben let out a yelp and quickly pulled Jeff from the rubble. Jeff's eyes were distant and unfocused. He was shaking.
"Jeff, hey, snap out of it!" Ben yelled, trying not to let his voice shake. Jeff squeezed his eyes shut.
"Stop..." he mumbled. Ben leaned closer.
"Stop... yelling," the killer slurred, holding his head. As he drew his hand back, Ben noticed a red streak running down from his palm to his wrist.
"Jeff! Your bleeding!" He cried. Jeff put his hand back to his head and looked at the blood.
"Shit, okay, stay there!" Ben fussed, running as fast as he could go towards the kitchen to grab the first aid kit. Eyeless and Sally were baking as he ran in. Eyeless frowned in concern as he noticed the elf grab the medical equipment.
"Ben, is everything okay?" He asked urgently. Ben nodded, out of breath.
"Jeff hit his head, there's a bit of blood, but I'm just gonna bandage it," he explained as he rushed back upstairs. He found Jeff still slumped against the wall, head resting back against the wall. Ben dropped down beside him, panting. Jeff looked up.
"What took you so long?" He tried jokingly. Ben smiled.
"I ran as fast as I could you know," he defended. Jeff smirked.
"Short ass legs couldn't go fast enough aye," he laughed, wincing as the pain shot through his skull. Ben slapped away Jeff's hands as he began to bandage the older boy's head. Once he was done, he helped Jeff stumble to his room. Jeff collapsed in a heap on the bed, almost asleep by the time he hit the mattress.
"Tomorrow...." he mumbled sleepily. Ben frowned.
"Tomorrow..?" He prompted. Jeff yawned.
"Tomorrow we are going hunting..." he muttered before falling into a light sleep, snoring slightly. Ben rolled his eyes and when to his own room. He shut his door behind him, kicking broken computer parts to the side as he made his way to his bed. He bellyflopped onto the soft mattress, wrapping his small arms around his pillow as he started to drift. As he slipped into sleep, he dreamt of the screams that tomorrow promised. Lulled by the sound, he smiled and drifted off.

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