The Past

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Melody's P.O.V

Today was the day, I decided, that I'd take matters into my own hands.

I quietly got up out of bed around 5am, before my sister dare arose.

This allowed me enough time to grab my bicycle, ride to our local hardware store, get all the parts I needed, and head home before my sweet twin even began to stir.

Granted, my sister usually has to wake up early for her busy schedule; however, now that she is home, I know she will take advantage of this new-found leisure time, and sleep a lot.

After I got inside the door, I snuck my way about the house, passing the kitchen, going up the stairs, tip-toeing past my bedroom, all to come to a room with an Amber door with a rustic golden handle. There was a name written on a plaque beside the frame that read, "Study."

I opened the old door as quietly as I could; unfortunately, my efforts were in vain as it creeked horrendously, and ever so loudly.

I stopped dead in my tracks, waiting for the reassuring silence that would indicate to me that the door had not disturbed anyone from their sleep.

After waiting for a few minutes, I quickly shot into the room, closing the noisy door behind me.

I breathed a heavy, nostalgic sigh, as I uttered the words, "2 Years..."

It had been two years since my Dad left my family...

Now, you may be wondering who that was in the car after I came from the doctor... Well, it was my step-father.

His name is Reggie. I love my step-dad to death! He is everything that my dad wasn't... Kind, Loving, Funny, Hard-working, and Reggie even made time for my sister and I, no matter how stupid the event was.

I know this might sound weird, but even though I love Reggie, I miss my dad... I know that he was never around, and when he was he didn't care... Yet, I can't explain it, I just miss him...

My real dad will never even know that I'm dying... He probably couldn't even care less.

He was all I had ever known as a father... I know he will never come back, and I think that is what hurts the most.

My sister and I have mostly stayed strong, I mean, I don't exactly know how she feels about all of this because she went on tour whenever he left... She never got to say goodbye.

My sister had to ignore it, she had to go on tour, she had to cope. Whereas, I, didnt leave... I stayed here in this reality, through all the fights, all the paperwork, all the madness.

My parents acted like I didn't know what was going on... But I did... I knew.

Even though I miss him, I don't miss the fights. I am so thankful mom found Reggie, he really treats her like a princess.

I just hope that dad will want to see me though, before it's too late...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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