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He sat in the large field, trying to find where he was. It was black all around him- the grass was a beautiful blue, small dandelion in their white puffy form spotting the ground here and there. The sky was the same exact color as the grass but instead it was a deeper color- almost black. The stump I was sitting on was a stale gray, having no color to it.

It was different, and it was silent. The silence hung in the air around him and it felt like he was deaf. His ears starting to buzz, trying to create a sound he could listen to.

A rustle of grass finally broke through the buzzing.

His eyes shot up to a source of the sound in the flat space, and he found a woman standing there, her eyes studying him. They were silver- as was her hair. It was blowing in an unseen breeze to the right. What was strange that her dress, looking like a bed sheet wrapped around her, was blowing to her left. They whipped violently in separate directions when, really, there wasn't a breeze to begin with.

She smile, her pink lips turning up on her pale face. She held out a petite, pale hand to him. He almost took it, but she spoke before he even moved.

"Lead me into the light."

He starred at her, his eyebrows drawing in. "What?"

"Kiss me." She said suddenly. Her voice was practically singing the two words, her words sugary sweet. Before he could ask what she was talking about, her image flickered like a channel on a TV with no satellite.

"K-k-kiss me." Her tone said again. She withdrew her hand from the air, seeing as he wasn't going to take it anytime soon, and started to walk forward. Her hair and dress blew even more violently.

"Infect me with your love..." She whispered, approaching him. He shrunk back. She was too close. Her sugary sweet voice sounded too sticky sweet and it was suffocating him. Her being was starting to press against his.

"Fill me with your poison. Take me." The last three words came out as an inhuman growl, her image flickering once again. In that brief moment, he saw who she really was. Her skin was blue, her eyes completely yellow except for the fat black slit in the middle. Her hair wasn't silver but a supernatural green.

"T-t-take me." Her image flickered again and she was her true being, bending so her face was mere inches from his. The point of her nose slanted downwards, as if she didn't have one, and her eyes were wide in circles. They studied him intently. Her green hair continued to whip towards the right and her dress, blowing to the left, smacked him in the legs repeatedly.

"Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction." Her animal like growl purred.

He tried backing up, knowing this was just a dream. But, it was as if he was glued to the tree stump he was sitting on. The ground fell from around them, though the didn't fall. The sky and the ground merged, creating one- and the dandelions started to twinkle. He suddenly realized they were in space.

The alien grabbed his face gently, though her nails that grew incredibly long pricked at his skin.

"I am ready to go, lead me into the light." Her inhuman voice sang out. It tinkled in the air around them, and she pressed harder on his chin. A light suddenly flashed, then everything became dark.

He didn't wake up.

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