Chapter 42

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I was woken up in the morning by a pair of lips pressing against my forehead.I smiled.

"Good morning.",I wrapped my arms around Aaron,my eyes still closed.

"Good morning baby."

He kissed my forehead again.

"I didn't mean to wake you up.",he said,pulling me into his chest.

"I'm glad you did.Don't wanna miss out on the last few hours with you.",I looked at him,smiling sadly.

He was so gorgeous.Barely a few inches away from me,seeing his beautiful face made me smile.

His face immediately fell when I said that."Today's the day,huh?"


He let out a small sigh."I'll miss seeing you whenever I want to."

"I'll miss having you around all the time.",I replied,linking our hands.

We stayed like that for sometime.The sound of Aaron's stomach growling broke the silence.

I laughed."Let's go get dressed and grab breakfast."

"Alright.",he replied,planting a kiss on my cheek before getting off the bed.

I pulled the duvet off myself and slowly got up.And then I was lifted up.

"Aaron!",I squealed as he swooped me up.

"My.. God,you... are heavy.",he pretended to pant.

"Put me down,you dork!",I laughed as he went on to carry me to the toilet.

Suddenly,Aaron wobbled underneath me before I was thrown onto the floor with a loud thump.Aaron landed some distance from me.

I groaned,rubbing my knees with my hands.

"Ow!",Aaron grunted,clutching his right hand with his left one,wincing when he did.

"Shit,are you okay?",I ran over to him.

"My hand hurts like hell!",he groaned,he clutched it again.

"Don't do that!Do you think you've sprained it or something?"

"Sprained?I think all the bones in my fucking hand got broken.Oh my God!"

Pulling a jacket on and grabbing Aaron's from his room,I managed to drag him downstairs.

"Oh my God,it hurts.",he groaned.

I looked at him helplessly before pulling him outside.Neither Joanna,nor Amanda seemed to be around.Where was everyone when you needed them?

"Mr.Woods!Are you alright?",a worried voice made me look up.



Simon quickly opened the door and I waited for Aaron to get  in.

"Let's go.",I said,jumping into my lip worriedly.

"No,no,no,no!I just like to fake having broken bones!",he yelled as we drove to the hospital.

We'll be there in a few minutes.
Deep breaths,Ashley.Deep breaths.

"I'm dying,I'm telling you Ashy!",he groaned for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes.

"We're here,sweety.",I kissed his forehead,as the hospital came into view.

A minute later the car stopped and I helped Aaron out of the car.Simon came to help too and we went inside the hospital.

"See?I told you you hadn't broken your bone.",I told Aaron as we came out of the building about twenty minutes later.

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