Chapter 16: Time

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(A/N: Thankyou to everyone who has voted, or commented along the way of me writing this fanfic :) or even just reading!! This is the last chapter, so then I can finish my other one, and then to finish the one after that, which I have many ideas for making it suspenseful :) hope you feel happy after reading the end of this-..Reading back on it, I think it is veryyyyyy 'eh' and 'dull' and I have no idea how I got so many reads..haha anyway happy fangirling!)

here we go..........

19 years later

The family made their way towards Platform 9, Muggles oblivious to the two children that charged into the wall, shortly being followed by their two parents. This would be the girls second year at Hogwarts, she had frizzy brown hair with her fathers silver eyes, apposed to her brother who had light blonde hair with hazel brown eyes that drooped following by a moan escaping his pouting lips. "I don't want to wait another year I want to go now" the smirk which the older girl had inheritted from his father played playfully on her lips "Oh it's surely worth the wait, well I would know -knowing how awesome Hogwarts is and how lucky I am to be there" the boy sneered and she chuckled. "Narcy be nice to your brother" The mother said through a smile, they made their way over to old friends, said their hellos and made their way to say goodbye. Scorpius, the young boy waved to his sister and hugged his parents, then to shortly make some puking noises as his eyes tortured him with the sight of their lips coliding. 

Every second they breathed, the smell of the grass, the cool air brushing against their faces, was so precious; to think that people had years and years of time to waste, that they were still clinging to every day, to every hour, this very minute. Still locked in each others love for every second that passed their grasp.

-ThE enD-

(A/N: Yes very short haha but that is basically explaining it, if you didn't get 'Narcy, that is short for Narcissa which Hermione wanted to name after Dracos mother and Draco did too. and Scorpius ob.....viously doesn't need an explanation. If you dont understand, or want to ask me a question then comment and I'll reply to you asap! :) Mischief Managed <3)

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