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I was awoken by the sound of my annoying buzzing alarm clock. 'First day of school,' I remembered. I'm going to the 10th grade, but I moved to a new town before going to school here. Hopefully I make new friends. I got my black and red checkered hoodie, white t-shirt, and jeans out of the closet and my drawers.

"Mitch, you're going to be late for your bus!" my mom called from downstairs, ready for work.

Just as I finished putting on my shoes, I grabbed my backpack, ran downstairs, took a waffle and dove out the front door to the bus stop. As the bus pulled up, I scanned the people waiting for the bus to find someone I could be friends with. But I didn't see anyone, so I boarded the bus. I decided to sit in the very back row, because I'm a new kid. I was dumbfounded to see a few guys sitting there. I turned to leave until one of them called for me.

"Hey kid, are you new around here? Come sit with us," one of them asked, curiously. I turned to face them. The one that called me was wearing a gray hoodie with a black shirt, blue jeans, red shoes, an amulet, hazel eyes and dark brown, curly hair. The other was wearing a white v-neck,gray jeans, black sneakers, and chocolate brown hair that covered one brown eye, with green headphones. The last was wearing a black tuxedo-printed on shirt, black jeans, black converse, brown eyes, and brown hair with a chewbacca beanie on, from Star Wars, I believe.

"Um, yeah. My name's Mitch," I said awkwardly, sitting down next to them. The boys stuck out their hand and introduced themselves one by one.

"Hi! I'm Adam but you can call me Sky," said the one whom called me over.

"Hi, I'm Ty," the one with headphones said.

The one withe the tux-printed shirt guy was staring out the bus window, not wanting to say anything because he's shy, I guess. The bus stopped at the school shortly after, and fortunately, we all had the same classes! 'So, now I can hang out with my new friends,' I thought to myself, 'Thank god.' I sat next to Sky and the other kid with the chewbacca hat to someone I just became friends with. So, I decided to say this:

"Yeah Jerome, He's quiet, no?" I asked curiously, wanting to know more about this boy. And ignoring my food, as per usual.

" He can be really quiet sometimes," Adam or Sky said, stammering, his voice getting quieter. 'I think I brought up something wrong.' I have made it my goal to make Jerome my friend! When Jerome and Ty came back with their lunch, Adam and I pretended like nothing happened, and nothing did, except I have a weird feeling about something. Something Jerome related.

Surprisingly, Jerome sat next to me. To be honest, he was kinda cute, like a lost puppy. Like a little kid. And as I'm staring at my food, something unexpected happens.

"Mitch, Mitch?!" my mom said, waking me up.

"Wha? Where's Ty, Jerome, and Adam?" I asked her.

"Who? Whatever, get up it's your first day of school, remember?"

"So, it was all a dream?"

"I guess, hurry up you're going to be late for your bus!"

"Ok." I got to my bus. The guys were all there, everything happened exactly as it did in my dream...

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