Love never dies-short story

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It was love at first sight. Me and Dan met when we were only 13 , we were perfect for each other! People never understood our love and they never will. We were happy until today, today was the day that everything fell apart...

I was sat at home waiting for dan to come round for a film and takeaway night. It was meant to be the most special night ever until ring ring, ring ring, I ran to the telephone and picked it up. On the other end I heard a deep smooth voice say "hello, is this Brianna. Dan's girlfriend."

"yes it is, who's asking?" I said questioningly.

"I think you should come to the hospital, your boyfriend dan has been in a life-threatening accident. I slammed down the phone and ran out the door, I couldn't wait for a taxi so I ran to the hospital. Thoughts were whizzing around my mind, tears streamed down my flushed Scarlett cheeks.

I got to the hospital, between breaths I managed to ask where my boyfriend dan was. The nurses looked worriedly at each other and led me over to a room. "he's in a coma,he's in a quite bad condition just to warn you. " I gulped and put my hand on the cold handle. I slowly opened the door revealing Dan lying in a bed, with a machine Beeping next to him.

I walked over to him wiping away my tears. Taking his hand gently I kissed it. I sat in the hospital chair staring at him , wishing be would wake up sometime soon. Suddenly , his eyes twitched and opened , he looked at me and smiled. I rushed to his side and told him not to move, he held my head and said...

I will always love you,don't ever forget that.The machine started beeping vigorously and Dan's eyes slowly shut. He was gone, he didn't deserve to go!That day I lost my best friend. My soulmate!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2012 ⏰

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