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Surrounded myself with ignorants
Their primitive minds amazes me
How they conclude things is so diffrent
Is it their retardation or is it just me?

My mind and heart trying to soar
While others try to rip away my fantasies
I can't be like them because i always want more
Is it their delayed minds or is it just me?

They tell me to stop wishing for things
That are never meant to be
Walk like the rest and try to fit in
Is it their dumb thinking or is it just me?

I can't be like the rest
I don't fit in that category
Those useless domesticated pets
Are trying to change who i want to be

I don't know what to do
These walls are caving on me
I can't seem to find a clue
How to end this dilemma and be free

*Try to be like us
Try to talk like us
Stop daydreaming about that future
Fitting in society is a must*

Well here's a truth to remember
I will never be like you
I will never walk with the crowd
If you don't like it then fuck you

As far as i care
I can make my own decisions
As far as i know
This is none of your business

Stop treating me like a puppet
Pulling the strings for your own selfish ways
Stop treating me like a chess piece
Moving me from a column to another everyday

As for you little pets
Here's a little advice
Stop trying to mold others to your own desires
And for fuck's sake get a goddamn life!

Who wants to be like the rest
Who's got no ambition or dignity
It's not their fault they just wants what's best
It's just my untamed self trying to fit into me

I wrote this poem in 7 mins, that's gotta be a record XD.
Vote and comment if you share the feeling of being controlled by others and societies.

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