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"Guys! It's shooting time!" The PD called the Running Man members. They were late for 5 minutes which is kinda strange because Jae suk never come late.

"So how's your one-night stay?"

In order to well, have better membership interaction, the RM crew decided that all of the Running Man members have to stay at least 1 day in someone's house. By luck, it was Jong kook's.

Just then they realised that RM members looked like zombies; totally exhausted, but it's still 8 a.m.?
Well. Except for Jong kook.

"Um. What happened?" The PD asked.

Jae suk, bless that bloodshot eyes, looked straight at the PD, "Wanna know? I'll tell you."


Flashbackkkk (rewind, rewind)

"Alright. So where do we sleep?" Kwang soo asked Jong kook.

"Here!" HaHa threw his body to the king size bed. Followed by Gary.


"YAAHHH! Get away! That's my bed!" Jong kook kicked and pushed the two idiots away.

"Aishhh..." Suk jin shook his head, "who's idea is this again?"

"It's YOUR idea. You are the one who suggested it to the PDs." Jae suk scowled angrily at Suk jin. Suk jin only shrugged, "I was just kidding that time."

Lucky for Ji hyo, because she had drama shooting, she won't be staying at Jong kook's house.

After minutes of showing the RM members their own room, they finally slept. Not really peacefully for Jae suk because Suk jin snored. Kwang soo kept on kicking Jong kook.


Hours later....

"BEEEEEPPPP!! BEEEEPPP!!! BEEEPP!!!" An alarm roared.

The owner's alarm, Jong kook, woke up immediately amd stretched his hands. He looked at the clock. Ah, it's a perfect time to start a day.

"Yah! Wake up! Yahhh!!" Jong kook shook Kwang soo's body really hard.

"Hmm?" Kwang soo mumbled.

"Wake uppppp!!!!!" Jong kook shouted.

"Ah wae?!" Kwang sok huffed but still, he woke up. Well, half asleep actually. He followed his hyung out of the room.

Next they went to Suk jin & Jae suk's room.

"WAKEEEEE UPPPPP!!!!!!!" Jong kook screamed on top of his lungs.

"WUAAAA!!!" Both hyung got startled amd jumped from their bed.

"What? What?" Jae suk asked with his eyes half shut.

"Fire? Earthquake? Tsunami?" Suk jin rambled.

Jong kook facepalmed and answered, "No hyung. It's morning already.

Jae suk rubbed his eyes and check his clock, "WTF?! Morning you said?! IT IS STILL 3 A.M. ARE YOU NUTS??!!"

Jong kook ignored Jae suk's complain and went to the next room.

With HaHa and Gary, he didn't shook them or screamed at their ear. Oh no. He'd just use the cold water and splashed it at them. They'll wake uo immediately.

Right after he did that, both HaHa and Gary jumped.

"AHH! AH! COOLLLDDD! FUCKKK!! *#**$*#(;*@)[!!!" They shouted lots of unintelligent words.

"Great! Now that we're all awake, let's jog around, ride bicycle, exercise and went to the gym!"

"What?! NO WAY."


"But hyung, it's still 3 a.m.! Who in their right mind exercise at this time?!!"

"We're so dooommeeedddd..."

Jong kook gave them all his infamous 'glare' and with no words they followed him.


Flashback ends

"Oh...." The PD was extremely speechless.

"And he called us to run 10 km!!! Can you believe it?!" Jae suk snorted.

Behind him, the other RM members had collapsed and some even slept.

Except for Jong kook of course. And Ji hyo.

"Alright then, the shooting will be postponed for 1 hour." The PD decided.

"You know what? I'm going to make a rule for each of us!"


Rule no. 1: Jong kook can't and may not wake them up at 3 a.m. only for exercise.

"Oh, and it's official!" Jae suk stubbornly stated.

This one is kinda different.

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