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Who stole the Africa in you? Who stole the dark melanine skin and tough hair,then replaced it with this what you posses.  Who stole you Africa mindset and cultural growth....who is he that took away your morals? African heart and humane humility...who is she that stole the African in you...who took away your manners and African behavior... Who are they that severed you roots and formated your brains..who I ask? What is the identity of they that took away your Africanism. Who stole your long decent African dress? Who took away the the Vail that covered the glory of the African woman that you are?who stole the deep luo, Igbo and the San accent that you posses. Who stole the African in you?
Who are they that severed your African art. Who stole your god and beliefs..who stole your home and replaced it with a mere house...who stole your brother sister and replaced them with little earthlings that you reside with...who? I ask who Is it that stole the Africa in you? Who stole the love and the oneness that is africa. Who stole the kikhoi and and the leather sandals..who stole our chiefs and counsil of elders.... Who I ask. Who stole the africa in you?

Who is they. Who stole the help that is Africa .who stole the music and spirited dance...who stole our yams and cassava...who stole our fufu and the east african ugali...who stole  the market and the trade they called barter. I ask who? Who stole the Africa in you.

Le kings diary

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