Dont live to regret.

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So at last, you have been intrigued by something to open this book. Let me greet you with this first page. Hey. This is page one. You've now fallen into a trap. This trap is called curiosity. You are now reading through word after word expecting something unexpected to happen. It isn't really unexpected if you're expecting it to happen is it? No. It wouldn't be and now i have just shown you an example of curiosity. You have now read this paragraph looking for something else to latch onto, something you want to know something to look forward to and thats what humans thrive for. A purpose, but you'll get that later on in this adventure. Welcome to the tale of all tales. Literally because this whole story tale is going to be about other story tales and hold on have you realised that you dont even know who I, the narrator or character am? Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Sammy Santhanam. Thats all you really need to know for now. Oh but my personality is what drives me to do things like this. To write such an absurd book based on pure creative juices. To want to convince the world to be optimistic. To change the views of negativity to positivity. To be a positive influence which leads me onto my first tale. Its an adventure i've been through for a few years and a while. It ended not so long ago but we'll get to all that. Have you ever met a girl with a beautiful smile, shimmering eyes and a laugh that makes you want to laugh at whatever the fuck that pretty girl is laughing at? Maybe you even are that girl. Well anyway, i met this girl. Her name was Roseliná. Already such a beautiful name eh? Yeah thats what i thought to. What a face - i mean name. She was beautiful aswell though as i described her smile was captivating and her smile made me smile everytime i saw it. I thought i was looking at the galaxy when i was staring into her bright blue eyes. Its like when you're walking around in a mall just on your phone being antisocial but that gorgeous dress or them sexy lookin' shoes pop up on the glass of the store and as glued as your eyes are to your phone you cant help but automatically turn and stare for a solid few minutes. Yeah this is how i felt. I even dropped my phone without realising. I also didnt realise i was staring with my mouth wide open as if i've seen a ghost."Hey are you okay?" her sweet voice says to me. I instantly pickup my jaw hanging down from the floor in awe of her beauty to forge a sentence . I was expecting it to turn out like " Yeah why wouldn't i be?"  But i wasnt really slick that long ago. I was still a kid ( 16 year old " Kid " ) with no clue on how to be suave or anything. The words that came out of my mouth resembled a creaky door being shut really slowly. Enjoy your little laugh all you fucking bigots out there but everyone has went through this phase. Well i hope at least cause then i would've had hope for me back then. Roseliná laughed again because i really did sound like a creaky door and she thought i was joking or something. She asked me if i was okay because there was a boy with his foot in a pile of dog shit. Which unluckily happened to be me. I was that boy. In the park, taking my dog Snowy for a walk but i forgot to give you all that crucial information first. Anyway this lovely sunday evening i stepped in a pile of dog shit and dropped my phone and my jaw while staring at the most beautiful girl in my universe because she was all i ever wanted. We've talked quite a bit through highschool and in fact this isnt like every other generic love story where they place the boy in a situation where he barely knows the girl. I actually knew Roseliná very well. She was infact my bestfriend and i see her every single weekday and then again on sunday when we both go for a walk because my her dog Francis is in a sexual relationship with Snowy, my cute little Shitzu. Her dog is a gorgeous King Charles and id love to see their child. Oh im getting carried away okay so yeah Roseliná and i are bestfriends. We have been for a few years and we've been walking our dogs every Sunday for the past few years and every single sunday i sit there wondering will this beautiful human being ever love me the way i love her? Does she already love me like i love her? I wont ever know because i never asked her while she was here. Anyways, i picked up my phone and my jaw & we had a pleasant evening conversation while walking Snowy and Francis. I went home and instantly fell asleep on the couch while my mom was yelling at me for stepping on the fresh new carpet with dog shit on my shoes. It was all a blur and only my subconsciousness could really hear her. Its a loud facade of sound and colours in my head until its Monday morning 7:04 am and my subconsciousness is slipping away and reality finds it ways to my eyesight. I wake up and i see Snowy bouncing on me as if i was a fucking trampoline. I allow it though because after my father passed Snowy was like and incarnation of him. I called my gorgeous lil shitzu Snowy because ironically my dog is dark brown and it just seems sorts funny. My little Snowy acts like my father as he wakes me up with unpleasant physical contact and barking. I go take a shower and brush my teeth and magically slip into my school uniform as i kiss my mother goodbye and cuddle my Snowy. i close the door and wave at the window to see my mother smiling at me and Snowy frantically doing front flips like its not a big deal. I laugh and walk to the main road where i see my bus to school slowly pulling up to my stop. Amazingly i made it right on time to the bus and i walk in greet the bus driver and take a seat in the bus next to no body because i felt more comfortable by myself or with Roseliná and my family, including Snowy and obviously Francis too since they're like sorta married in dog society. I look out pondering about where my father is right now and what exactly might he be doing. Now you might be pondering, why has this tale took a sudden turn to saddness. Well thats only think its sadness. Im living a happy life and just because i've lost someone in my life doesnt mean im not going to be happy. I went throught grief for a while but it was human instinct to do that. I was enjoying my time alone staring outside the bus pondering. A Thought pops into my mind, what if i lost Roseliná. Now it took a turn to sadness because she was what felt like home to me. Home isn't the house you sleep in, home is where you feel accepted, loved and cared for. As much as my mother accepted loved and cared for me there was something about Roseliná that brought me closer to true happiness. If i eventually did lose her id feel lost because i wouldn't really have a purpose because she was who gave me purpose. A reason to be happy, a reason to get dog shit on my shoes but still not be pissed. A reason to come home and love my mother and show her my gratitude. I am obligated to show my mother love but i dont think i could be really happy if Roseliná was gone. She was what drove me forward. I know thats not the way to think and i should think positive but i still didnt know if she loved me or if she would ever love me like i loved her. I would have no purpose only because of the regret i would feel of not asking her if she felt the same way i felt about her. I would feel regret if i didnt confess my feelings to her. I would live in regret and i would hate myself for it. So i thought, fuck it. Today is the day im gonna tell the love of my life i love her. Im going to make sure i dont regret anything in my life and im going to reach pure happiness i thought. All was going well until the bus pulled to a short halt at a crash site of a car recently. Oh wow another crash i though. Damn the roads getting crazy my stupid ass thought. Poor soul must've suffered i thought. i finally get to school and its 8:15. Roseliná gets to school at 8:00 and it didnt seem like anything so i thought nothing of it, she's probably late i thought. Oh well, since Roseliná's mum is dropping Francis at my house atleast Snowy's gonna get some love from Francis. It was 9:16 am and Roseliná still wasnt here. Oh she must be sick i thought. I didnt open my eyes and realise anything. Oh how i shouldve realised ..

Let me know if you would like to know the rest in Part 2. Thank you for taking your time to read it this far, i will write Part 2 if you want it.
Kind Warm and Sincere Regards -
Sammy Santhanam

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