Atlanta 2015

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Atlanta was hit hardest by the plague it was well and truly a ghost town. Except for the undead who congregated there, I'm serious not even a stray dog lived there. I don't blame the dogs I wouldn't stay either. Animals are eaten by the undead but unlike us they don't turn.

Why you ask am I going to Atlanta? The answer is to find my father, before the undead showed up my father had left on a business meeting to Atlanta I have not seen him since.

I have to find him he's my only family well besides Thunder and Zack. Zack is my three year old Siberian husky timber wolf cross, he is a very loyal follows every command to a T. Zack is black like his father the wolf with blue eyes like his mom. Thunder is my thirteen year old Friesian stallion he is a big guy at eighteen hands of graceful and powerful muscle. Thunder is very responsive to me and his surroundings not much scares thunder making him a great partner, never once has he let the undead hurt me or Zack.

Sighing I turned to the decrepit sign that read Welcome To Atlanta, gathering the reigns I slowed thunder to a complete stop. Frowning I swung my bag over his shoulders yanking it open I sorted through it quickly, most of my supplies were running dry and some of those supplies like food can be hard to come by.

If your curious as to what thunder eats its grass most of the time he is not overly picky some times we find good oats and dog food for Zack although he prefers deer. I hunt deer but sometimes eating only meat makes my stomach hurt.

Thunder shifted nervously between two burnt cars his black ears flicking around as he listened, looking around I saw nothing, no undead just Zack crouched in front of us. My senses went on high alert in the four years since the plague started thunder really never reacted badly unless the undead were near. Something was up.

Looking back to Zack I saw his ears were now up, he was listening to something. Tossing my bag behind my back I grabbed my crossbow. Scanning the highway I still saw nothing. Thunder snorted tossing his glossy black head up once, his mane parting over his broad neck as he turned left picking his feet up carefully. Patting his neck I whispered reassurances to ease his tension after a few moments he calmed.

Tapping his sides we moved into a steady trot towards the city. Nervousness bloomed in my belly as we jogged down an off ramp into the suburbs. I prayed i would make it back okay, I never brought the boys with me into the cities Its dangerous enough for me, I find a place for them to relax will I'm gone. Stopping near a forested area I dismounted walking thunder over to a field that looked to have once been a small league baseball field. Quickly I checked the fence to make sure Thunder and Zack would be safe before putting my bag and crossbow on the ground.

"Easy thunder" I said patting under his mane as I took off his tack he stood quite turning his head to nudge my arm before walking off to graze. I watched him a moment before giving a short whistle for Zack, he bound to me tongue out eyes bright. "Stay here with Thunder, Zack." I said as I put my bag over my shoulder. Once in place I gave him a pat on the head before walking to the gate entrance, closing it behind me I glanced at the boys. Zack had gone to thunder and was now laying near him as thunder grazed happily. As I walked away I couldn't help but wonder what had bothered Thunder earlier.

Atlanta 2015Where stories live. Discover now