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Third POV

It took about 57 minutes for Tom to awake, Doug counted.

He was relieved to see that he was okay, but Chris saw his arm move. Everyone saw his arm move.

Chris walked over to Hanson, kneeling by his head.

"Finally awake, Sunshine?" He laughed.

He watched Tom struggle for a moment, then he went back to planning with his goons.

Tom lay there, with his eyes closed. Trying to even his breathing, until he got it without coughing afterwards.

He used his good arm to push himself up into a sitting position, eyes closed. Chris hadn't seen him yet. He figured his ribs were cracked, his breathing labored.

Tom placed one foot, pushing himself up. He kept his eyes closed until the room stopped spinning.

He started walking, he got behind Chris. When his voice spoke, it was quite and weak.

"I have to go to the bathroom." It was barely audible, yet it resounded around the room.

"What!" Chris shouted, causing the school to flinch. Tom stood his ground.

" I have to go to the bathroom."

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