Chapter 1

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Sorry these chapter's are short, I'll try to make them longer :P
Party party party. Is that what I want to live on right now? It's my my only source to get what I need to fill in the empty mess inside me. Sex, drugs, alcohol, partying, and these "friends" I meet. At every party I go to there's Atleast one guy I have my chance to have sex with but it never really means anything, like I said its my way to temporarily fill the empty space. Drugs, I love them. I don't do much but I want to do more. Adults used to say to stay away from them because they are "bad" for you, but they never told you how good they make you feel. I smoke daily and every weekend I find my way to acid. At parties like these there's always a dealer with a small price like sex. I means it's not like I don't want it, it's like 2 rewards. Honestly alcohol isn't my thing, it doesn't make you feel the way drugs do, but if that all that I have I'll take it. Intoxication is amazing, I don't know why but it feels so great. Partying is basically my hobby and its so unresistable.
I make my way through the crowd to find my usual dealer but there's a new boy. A cuter boy. I think I could deal with him, I guess. I kinda just grin at him. "Alyssa?" "you know me?" "Andy, he uh he's in the hospital..he got in a fight, doctors say he'll be fine" "Do you have it?" He smirks. "Andy said you have to Pay me first" I grab his hand and start for the upstairs bedroom. "where are we going?" He asked confused. "Did he not tell you how the price?" I asked. "No" he stated, standing still. "I'll just have to show you" I smirk and he his face turns apple red yet he smiles a little.
This feeling. This is why I party every weekend. This is my life. Addictions are bad I know but it feels so damn good.
I'm getting this feeling that I'm disappointing myself and my parents. How do they keep up with my bullshit?
Oh that's right. They don't, well atleast not my dad... My mom swears she loves me but she just hides he true self with alchohol so she doesn't get hurt defending me or herself from my horrible excuse for a father. Sometimes I really think we need help, we're a broken family but mostly we dont want fixing..

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