Chapter 70

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Elizabeth's pov

I wake up and feel an arm wrapped around me. My eyes stare at the white sheets intertwined around my body and his.


I look forward at the light shining through the window. A smile finds its way onto my face and I let it stay.

He's here. He's with me.

He's mine again.

Tears nearly come to the surface at the thought of what happened yesterday. My hand slides out under the pillow and I stare in awe at the ring.

..I'm engaged to Aiden Parker.

I turn and face him, his eyes are shut and he sleeps soundly. I look at his relaxed state and feel myself just fall in love with him all over again.

"You're staring" he mumbles.

"I'm gazing" I reply.

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic" I laugh slapping his arm.


He opens his eyes now and grins at me. "I know." He leans in and kisses me.

"Uh gross" I whine. "I haven't even brushed my teeth." I cover my mouth with my hand.

"I don't care" he smiles and leans in to kiss me again.


I get up from bed but feel his arms wrap around me.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" He turns me around and I laugh as I fall back on the bed.

"No you're staying with me." He whispers. He kisses me again more passionately. He kisses down my neck and to my collar bone by now he's on top of me and I'm wide awake.


I rush to the kitchen with Aiden not far behind. "So you're telling me Ashley and jack already know!" I laugh. I was going to tell Ashley.. Aiden nods his head and grins as I get out the eggs and bacon from the fridge.

"Well geez what about my mother?"

"She doesn't know."

I nod. That should be fun to mention.. I quickly start by getting two cups and see Aiden set up the coffee machine.

"Aiden what's the plan?" I say turning on the stove.

"What do you mean love?" My heart did a backflip at his words. I put some oil on the pan and let it heat up before cracking an egg.

"I mean. The wedding. Your job. Me. How is this all going to work." I gasp. "Speaking of work. I have to get ready!" I hand him the spatula and he stands there shocked a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Wait what? Where are you-"

I run to my bedroom and quickly pull on some leggings. The material wraps around my legs comfortably. I pull off my shirt and feel the cold air hit my warm chest. I slip on my black bra and quickly try to pick out a shirt. I check the time on my phone.

I've got thirty minutes.

I stand in my closet before two arms wrap around me. I gasp and turn around. "Aiden. The eggs-"

His lips connect with mine and I close my eyes all of my worries disappearing. He pushes me against the wall and I jump into his arms. The kisses become more desperate. More hungry.

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