The name reveal

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The whole school knows me as pineapple head not just because I love pineapples but because of that one day when I wore a pineapple hat. I know the best and worst decision of my life but at least everyone knows who I am maybe just not my real name...

After school I do my daily routine of racing down to my local fruit shop to grab my daily pineapple but this time I had an competitor. We both raced over but only one could be victorious which was thankfully me, I might of had a victory dance, I may have not.

"Whoop, yeah, I did it, who did it, I did it, yeah" I yelled as I danced around.

My competitor said "you might have won this time but I will be victorious" and with that he left. Whatever, he ain't going to beat me and if he does I'll get my pineapple army ready.

Thanks for reading the second part of our story remember to spread the word about our account.

Emmeline and Georgia.
EmmelineLC and AgirlA.

Stay weird!

Pineapple headWhere stories live. Discover now