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And so Here I remain,

in the midst of the desert, in heat and in

atrocious pain.

 They all jeer and await my departure,


from my Mother, weeping oceans of hearts.

 The feeling to take my leave of the world,

is as heavy as to know I'd abandon the girl.

 They've nailed my wrists and nailed my feet,

quenched partly my thirst and left me to dream.

 Tears stream from faces afar, followers and sinners

whose care-special regard.

 Such anger building within Thee, O Father-

 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do'.

 Soon the truth shall be revealed,

my crucifix partner together assumed.

 The other (O my Heart is breaking!) denied all Faith,

-is to fall into the hands of wondering fate.

 To break my legs, to hasten my flight;

 I will be back, given three days of insight.

 Last breath made, before returning to Holiness, Paradise,

I leave my body and let spirit take plight.

 The promise has been made, the Lamb sacrificed-

my Heart is ready, give Love to the Light <3

(The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, with anonymous references to Our Lady, Mary Magdalene and the other two punished men beside him. I wrote it in respect to Christmas, in order to remind us all of how much has been done to save us. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas with all your family and friends! Alex <3)

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