This Not-So-Normal Life.

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Let’s start this story off with the usual clichés.. boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, and vice versa…Though I can’t really say that, as the whole premise of the story would be like a fairytale..Of course, it could very well be said that the tale I’m about to tell could be said to come straight out of a fairytale..I didn’t quite mention what type of fairytale. See, when the girl finally realized she loved this “boy”, which I put in quotation marks as he was anything but a mere “boy”, she thought her world would be whole. Not so fast.. It ended a tad bit different than that..Okay, maybe a whole lot different I should say. Instead of the normalcy she thought she abided by, she was granted what every girl who wishes for the norm gets, a supernatural disaster.. Of course she thought she was normal as well, but behold, she wasn’t! Who would have thought she was born into a world that was totally out of this world..Who would have thought that she, who was living a fairly human..Note as I say human life…very inconspicuous indeed..Until she goes head first into the first thing that comes forth, Lucien Verdone. Quite a character indeed he was..As well as a charmer. He had the whole package.. Good looks, intelligence, charms, everything you can think of. However, he held dark secrets, very dark indeed.. He did not wish for anyone to find out that he (perhaps I should not say anyone, as I find it far more truthful if I were to say me instead of anyone) that he was not quite human. Well, neither was I apparently. We’ll get to that in a bit though, as well as the details. Come and read my great escapade while it still lasts (who knows what can happen now that I’ve learned the not-so-obvious truth of my world).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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