Shazam x Reader

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Y/N - Your Name
H/C - Hair Colour
E/C - Eye Colour

Yesterday was definitely something you wanted to forget.

You had kissed Billy yesterday.

And you're sitting with Billy today.

You watched as he twiddled his thumbs. You leaned closer to the arm of the sofa. This was awkward and you should definitely talk. You needed to talk. There's so much the two of you needed to talk about ─ the training exercise, the looks, and. Yesterday. You definitely needed to talk about yesterday.

"So." She cleared you throat, breaking the awkward silence. You never took your eyes off the muted TV before them which was now showcasing a couple holding hands. You had been very grateful that the rest of the team is out... doing whatever it is they do. "Um. I called you here for a reason," and with that you winced. Who started a sentence like that? It just made you seem, as nightwing used to say, chalant and right now you were trying to seem nonchalant.

Billy had been half bleeding to death yesterday, but that was over eighteen hours ago, and you didn't have a reason to not be composed.

Billy cleared his throat. "I figured." His voice was a little more than a squeak and you flicked a quick look at him, catching the flow of red on his face. You smiled. Well sort of. It's came out as more of a twitch on the corner of your mouth that might look more like a spasm to anyone watching.

You lets out a breath through your nose and straightened your shoulders. You still hadn't look at him. "Yesterday was ─ a spur of the moment thing. Like..." you fumbled around for the right words, and when it came up blank, you waved a hand at the TV screen where the same couple is now fighting. "Not like that. It was a 'oh my god I think you're going to die' kiss. Not a 'structured, I like you' kiss."

"So...if it had been Robin, you would have kissed him too?"

"Yes. Wait. No. You ─ stop laughing, William, I'm trying to be serious here! It was a thing. Okay. It was a thing, not A Thing."

You turned to him now, and Billy was snickering openly. You had the overwhelming urge to hit him ─ you'd really like to be far, far away from him instead, because this is not the way things were supposed to turn out (you were meant to be the nature, civilised one, and he should be the one fumbling and struggling with his words) ─ but you needed to deal with this. You needed to deal with this. It was a problem for the team, you reassured yourself; you're doing it for the team and for the good of the world.

Billy smoothed his face after a moment, and then alternates from looking at you to looking at the TV. "So it's not A Thing?"


"Ah." He scratched his cheek with a nail that is a little too long. The expression on his face is ─ uncomfortable, like the one he had worn the day you'd asked him about the Training Exercise. He's frowning and biting his lip (and that is not a good thing for kissing, but for some odd reason you found it a bit ─ just a bit ─ nice) and he has to swipe his tongue over his lips and open and close his mouth several times before getting out the words: "I... I want it to be something."

Your brain froze.

You had heard the words well enough: I want it to be something, but the actual comprehension (dating ─ holding hands ─ kissing ─ talking) took a few seconds. You focused on your breathing, the art of inhaling and exhaling, and, for some reason, is quite aware of the too short distance between you and Billy, and how your every piece, from your toes to your hair, is burning and tingling and generally being annoying.

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