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"Francesco!" Ellie whined. "Where are you taking me?"

Francesco tightened his grip on her hand, liking the warmth radiating from it. He continued walking, ignoring her question. She's been asking it since they left home, his house.

"Francesco!" she whined once more. Maybe he didn't answer so she would talk again. He liked the sound of her voice. "Why did you blindfold me? Do you even know where you're going?"

Francesco was getting tired now of her constant nagging. "Yes, I know where I'm going. You're blindfolded just because."


"Don't press it," he snapped.

Ellie ignored his harsh tone and continued walking blindly next to him. "I like it. It makes me feel closer to you," she muttered. Francesco heard her and a timid smile crept up his face.

After five more minutes of walking, Ellie re-started her nagging. "Where are we? Are we there yet?"

Francesco groaned. "Yes, we are there."

"Finally," she said. As they came to a stop, Ellie took her time to listen. "Are we near a body of water?"

"Yes." He let go of her hand and walked behind her. Ellie started turning around to address him but her stopped her. "Stand still; I'm untying your blindfold."

Ellie like the feel of his hand on her head. Suddenly she saw. Her eyes widened. She looked around her surrounding in awe. She had never been somewhere so beautiful. She removed her shoes, placing them on the small steps. She walked closer to the lake, letting her feet dip in the water. The green leaves of the trees were hanging low giving the place a dark shadow. The water seemed to be glistening. Water so clear she could see her toes.

"It's beautiful," she breathed out.

"I know," Francesco said softly. Ellie jumped at his closeness. He was mere inches behind her. He placed his hands on her waist to steady her.

"Why did you bring us here?" Ellie asked.

"So we could be alone."

Ellie liked his answer very much and she wished she were older so she could kiss him. He was breathing on her neck and it was painful to resist the urge to kiss him. "And do what?"

"Things," he answered. He wrapped his arms around her waist so that her back was totally flat against his sturdy chest and put his chin on top of her head. "And think."

"About?" At the rate her heart was beating she was surprised she managed to let the word out.

"Whatever is on your mind," he said, releasing her. he dropped a kiss on top of her head and left her sides. He felt empty no having his arms wrapped around her delicate body, but he had to let her go. She was just a child, he had to respect that.

Ellie watched him walk to a giant tree. He slid down the length of the tree and sat; his knees propped up and he rested his arms on them.

"Do you come here often?" she asked, noticing how easy he walked around. She wondered how he came about that place.

"I used to come here often before the accident. I haven't been here since. I've never brought anyone either, only you," Francesco said honestly. It was obvious he had feelings for the girl, he tried to suppress them and act indifferent but he slipped sometimes. Like now. Why did he have to go tell her she was the only person he's ever brought here? 'I'm such an idiot,' he thought.

Ellie felt touched by his words. At his words, she felt beautiful. Granted he'd only called her beautiful twice, and he was talking about inner beauty but she'd felt her spirits lifted up, ego boosted up, day made. She was the only person he'd ever brought to such beautiful place. She was happy.

Ellie decided to make a bold move. She walked away fro the lake towards the giant tree where Francesco was sitting.

Francesco was panicking. It's been two minutes since he's been waiting for Ellie to say something, do something. Did he say something wrong? Do something wrong? What if she thought he was a pedophile and was going to take advantage of her? because really, what 24 year old take a 15 year old to a place so far away from civilization?

He was so into his thoughts that he almost didn't feel the presence near him. He was about to apologize to Ellie when he felt her hands grab his shoulders and smooth lips on his cheek. His eyes widened, his mouth wide open; that was a sweet surprise. He felt the heat rush up his face so he lowered his head so she wouldn't see. The girl made him feel like a teenage boy.

Ellie noticed his reaction and chuckled softly, letting go of his shoulders and sitting close next to him. Ellie placed her on his shoulder, breathing in his scent, knowing that the man next to him was the one she truly was in love with.

"Thank you," she said. 'For being you' she wanted to add.

"No. Thank you," he answered and slipped his hand into hers. He placed his head on top of hers. He closed his eyes, listening to the breeze and the sound of the lake. He felt content having the girl he was in love with next to him in a place he loved. He wanted to stay like that forever.

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