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639) Whats your favourite word beginning with the letter X?

640) Whats your favourite city beginning with the letter Y?

641) Whats your favourite country beginning with the letter Z?

642) Do you get seasick?

643) If you discovered a new species of dinosaur what would you call it?

644) Do you own a paddling pool?

645) What do you consider is the most important piece of furniture in a house?

646) What do you consider is the most important appliance in a house?

647) If you could have any celebritys hair whos would it be?

648) Which Celebrity do you find the most annoying?

649) What potential talents do you think you might have if you worked at them?

650) Who was better, Flipper, Lassie or Skippy?

651) If you could be trained up in any profession of your choice by top professionals what profession would you choose?

652) If someone elses child was being an annoying little runt would you go tell them off or do something about it?

653) Do you believe in kharma?

654) Do you believe in revenge?

655) Do you believe in fairies?

656) Do you believe in a god?

657) Do you believe there used to be dragons?

658) Who would you want to be with on a desert island?

659) What's the worst show on television?

660) Who's your favourite god from ancient history?

661) What one device would you want to see added to a mobile phone?

662) Where do you see yourself in 1 months time?

663) Where do you see yourself in 1 years time?

664) Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

665) What was the best thing about your old school?

666) What was the worst thing about your old school?

667) If you could change your name to anything what would your new name be?

668) Do you watch too much tv?

669) Have you ever planted a tree?

670) Whats the heaviest thing you can lift?

671) What was the last present you recieved?

672) Are your ears lobed or attached?

673) How often do you wash your ears?

674) Could you go out with someone who had a child from a previous relationship?

675) What was your first alcoholic drink?

676) What was your first job?

677) What was your first car? (or what would you like it to be?)

678) What was your first mobile phone?

679) What is your first proper memory?

680) Who was your first teacher?

681) Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

682) Who was your first best friend?

683) What was your first detention for?

684) Whats your strongest voluntary muscle?

685) Who was your first kiss?

686) What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?

687) What thing that you've made are you most proud of?

688) Could you ever be someones bodygaurd?

689) Michelangelo's David... Masterpiece or filth?

690) Do you like other people buying you clothes?

691) Have you ever brought a present for someone that they hated/disliked?

692) What nicknames do you have/have had?

693) Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?

694) Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?

695) Have you ever carved a pumpkin?

696) Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?

697) Do you prefer giving or recieving gifts/help etc

698) If you were a member of the spice girls, what would your spice handle be?

699) If you were to become a famous singer, what would your debut album be called?

700) If you could join any music group which would you want to join?

701) What do your parents do?

702) If you were a giant mega monster what city would you rampage?

703) Did you ever have a treehouse as a kid?

704) Is your dad an embarassing dancer?

705) Do you plan to vote in the next election?

706) If you could replace one bodypart with a super bionic replacement what bodypart and

what features would the new bionic

replacement have?

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