A night to remember ( LeviXEren) //OneShot//

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it was 5:00 in the evening the stars glistened like crystals in the sky, the wind was calm. And everything around Levi and Eren was quiet it was like time stopped around the two  but , the both of them just thought about what the past had given them sins,regrets,blessings,and happiness . But for Eren, sadly he just couldn't take the pain of the mistakes he had made that has affected everyone around him including himself . He held the tears back so he wouldn't embaress himself infront of his heichou but the tears just fell and Levi noticed his hidden tears just to get Eren's attention Levi then said " Hey Idiot " Eren faced him wiping his tears away for Levi not to tease him calling him a crybaby Eren looked at him with bravery in his eyes, but in his heart something was completely missing that just pains him every day and every night he couldn't tell what it is though he pretends like its nothing . But deep, deep inside he cries for help to free him from the prison that has captured his inner self Levi then spoke out " you feel trapped huh? " and to Eren's surprise hearing those words come out of Levi's mouth Eren then replied back " wh-what do you mean? "  Levi then sighed and looked into Eren's eyes the wind then blew gently as they both gazed unto each other ,Eren then finally had the guts to say " Y-yes Heichou I feel trapped, I feel lonely... really. I feel like I won't be saved from this prison inside even though I have Armin and Mikasa it isn't enough! my heart is still locked I can't escape heichou... I can't escape " Eren's Tears then fell down slowly Levi then looked at Eren no one was around except for themselves so it was the perfect time for Levi to say " you are weak huh... Eren? but lucky for you old Heichou here knows just how to stop tears from flowing " . And as quick and as sly as a fox Levi pressed his lips against Eren's and then stopped moving back just to gaze into his eyes once again Levi then spoke out saying  " there you go Eren something sweet from me to make you braver than you are now " .Eren was speechless about his Heichou but he too felt something after that but as morning came Levi went back to his normal self but, for Eren he wouldn't forget the person who has unlocked him from the prison he was in. But it will ruin Levi if he told anyone so its a little secret

for now.

A night to remember ( LeviXEren)  //OneShot//Where stories live. Discover now