Chapter 3

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*Yunsoo's POV*

School finally ended for the day, and all of my classmates had left me to find my way out all on my own. "Alright. So how do I get out of here?" I wandered down the halls, being ignored when I asked people for help. "Okay. I guess I'm on my own." Once again walking through the halls, I finally found a long dark hallway with an exit at the end. "Finally."

I started down the hall, but was quickly stopped by 2 arms locking into mine. "No! Don't go in there!" Kris exclaimed to me. "Never go in that hall."

"Why not?" I asked bewildered as Kris and Tao dragged me away from the hallway. "All I want to do is find an exit and leave, and there's one right down there!"

"You don't understand." Tao said softly. "That hallway is haunted."


"Yeah." Kris answered me in a hushed tone. "Rumor has it that a girl was being bullied in that hall, and was beaten to death."

"And her twin brother committed suicide there." Tao put in. "After some incidences Director Kim decided to close that hall, and build a new one. Now the twins haunt the hall and will bother anyone who goes past locker 294B."

"I've heard that they haunt the halls after 11. That's why the janitors clean until 10." Kris added. The two led me towards the front exit. "It's funny." Kris started. "I had to help you find your way to the school, and just now I had to help you find your way out." He let out laugh.

"Do you need a ride home?" Tao asked me. "I can drop you off."

"Oh, no." I said lifting my hand up. "I'm fine. I can find my way home on my own."

Kris and Tao exchanged looks. "Okay then. See you later." Tao waved goodbye and the two walked through the gates towards an olive green hummer.

I let out a sigh and started my walk home.


Once again, I think I'm lost. I took a left on Hyeon St., a left on Eun Lane, and a right from Nahhun St. to Wu Avenue. "Where did I go wrong?" I wondered around for awhile more in frustration. "I wish I took that ride Tao offered." I let out a sigh.

After a few more moments while I was in my own little world, a horn honked behind me, and I screamed. "Sorry!" The person in the car hollered. The car stopped beside me, and I realized it was Tao's hummer. The windows on the driver's side rolled down, and I saw the faces of Kris and Tao looking at me. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Tao apologized to me.

"That's okay." I mumbled as my racing heart slowed down. "What are you doing?"

Tao and Kris exchanged glances between the car doors. "We saw you wandering around and you looked lost." Kris answered me. "Need a ride?"

I looked between the two boys. "Fine." The two smiled and rolled up their windows as I walked towards the car. I opened the back door and climbed in besides Kris.

"So, where do you live?" Tao asked from the front as he made a u turn into the street.

"Um, Tae Street." I replied.

"Tae Street?" Kris asked with disgust. "You have to be joking! That place is a dump! Only the poor folk live there." I gave him a look. "What? You honestly live there?"

"Yes I live there!" I answered a bit angrily. "My mom and I just moved in with my stepdad! And we're not poor."

"Well last time I checked, there weren't any mansions on that street." Mansions? What does he mean? Are these two so rich that they live in mansions?

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