Chapter 2: I'm LATE

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  • Dedicated to Sufiya

I ran back from school, all the way home. Ten minute run, no stops. I couldn't feel my legs by the time I got there. I slammed open the door, and Aunt McKenzie was standing in front of it. "Slam it again, and you won't be livin' 'ere." She called.

"I'll be outside, see ya soon!" I threw a little peck at her cheeks and she muttered something along the lines, don't come back, will ya?

Rude! Anyway, I made my way through the big trees in the back garden. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I was being diverted to Wingdo. I opened my eyes again after a few seconds. A big crowd formed and I bit my lip. Dominick yelled at me. "Faith!" He started, throwing out his arms for a big hug. He was still shouting though. "You had me worried sick! Do you know how long it's been? Three days! If it was a minute later, we'd all vanish!" Dominick was my younger brother. Well, he felt like my brother anyway.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry. I'm here now." I looked down to see what I was wearing, and a smile appeared on my face. I was me again. Back to me, Faith. I was wearing a long white dress. Just simple. I sighed in relief when Dominick stopped talking. Instead of replying to what everyone was asking me, I took hold of Dominick’s hand and ran to the microphone. On the stage. "Steady!" Dominick called after me, slowing down a little.

I decided to leave him be, and I flung onto the stage. I grabbed the microphone and started speaking. "Testing, testing, one, two, three...go! Hey you. Yeah you!" I was pointing at the crowd which had started gathering now, singing. "I felt like an angel-"

The microphone was being grabbed off me, by Clarisse, my best friend. "Sorry," she called into it. "Faith's just trying to catch attention, just ignore it. Back to work, now!"

I brushed my hair back and stood up, cleaning the dust off my dress. I waved to the crowd which most had now parted and I linked arms with Clarisse. "Missed ya. Where ya been?" She smiled. I sighed heavily and remembered why i didn't come for three days. "Sorry," I started. "I had a lot going on. So much homework, just too much, ya know?"

Clarisse gave me a pity look. "Well, the Sasha I know would've completed it all and given the rest of the day to Faith, both of 'em the cleverest and most beautiful people I know." I shook my head, smiling. Yes, everyone knows I have two different lives over here. But if I dare told anyone from the Mortal World...they would get this place demolished. No matter how much effort it would take. Or they would just keep on asking for power and magic from me. So that's why no one knows about my two lives, other than me and the people of Wingdo.

We walked back to my Throne when we stopped to see an angry Dominick. I leaned over to him. "Why's my lil' bro angry, now?" I asked, curious. He turned to face me, then shook his head and stood up, smacking the ground. "You don't get it!" He yelled. Before letting him finish, Clarisse interrupted. "I'll have you know, this girl is the smartest I've ever heard of! Course she'll get it!" She argued back. Dominick just glared at her.

Okay, they didn't hate each other but...if Dominick was in need of major help, Clarisse would probably do nothing about it, other than laugh. So it's a hate-hate relationship.

"Faith," his voice was apologetic. "Help me." He looked down, I saw through him and he was guilty. He was going to ask me for a favour. "Yes?" I answered back. I knew what he wanted, I just wanted to hear him ask for it.

"I want to go to the Mortal World. To school with you, and I want to beat up all the people who treat you like nothing!" He yelled. I sighed, knowing that I wouldn't ever let him go.

"You can't. Anyone or thing from Wingdo cannot be seen in the Mortal World." I answered. He had a puzzled face on, then turned annoyed. "Yes they can! You can out your magic on them or it, and kapoosh! They'll be visible" He corrected me.

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