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After nearly missing a falling tree and facing a viscous dog, Louis had managed to get home. All he had wanted to do was to go to the store to pick up some groceries.

He had spent the weekend in his apartment trying to avoid any near death experiences and his fridge was becoming empty. Louis had also taken the week off work so he could try to figure out and fix his current string if bad luck.

Louis sighed as he put away what little groceries he managed to save and tried not to think of the green eyed boy.

Louis flopped on his couch frustrated, most of his weekend was spent thinking about him and when he wasn't he was on Google trying to find answers.

Nothing had come up of course and Louis started to think that just maybe he had dreamed up the curly haired lad with the emerald eyes.

That was until today's events happened.

The stranger had saved his life yet again, both from the tree and the dog but yet again he disappeared before Louis could say a single thing. He just wanted to know who this person was, wanted to thank him. And maybe ask him why this was happening to him.

Louis hadn't done anything bad lately, he didn't think. Maybe it was when he forgot to wish Susan a happy birthday two weeks ago. But he didn't even know Susan that well, he just worked with her, didn't even have her on Facebook. Surely that wasn't a reason for becoming a danger magnet.

He needed answers, he couldn't keep living his life while facing death daily. Next time he saw the boy with green eyes, Louis wouldn't let him leave so easily.

Louis smiled and turned on the tv, it made a loud pop and started smoking. He groaned reaching for the fire extinguisher, he really did need answers soon.


Turns out it was harder to get the green eyed man to stay than Louis thought.

After saving him from a massive swarm of bees and a falling piano, Louis had grabbed the man and started to say thank you but the man had just vanished into thin air.

Louis was growing more frustrated as two days passed with no luck. This is when Louis decided to take measures into his own hands.

Now with him standing on the ledge of the roof of his apartment building, he didn't think this was one of his smarter ideas.

He didn't even know if this was going to work, if the man would even show up. He could actually die from this, he gulped, maybe he was going crazy.

I mean standing on a ledge of a building on the verge of ending your own life just in hopes of seeing a boy that may or may not exists, sounds reasonable. He thought to himself.

Oh well there was only one way to find out, Louis took a deep breath.

"What the hell are you doing?" A deep musical voice yells in outrage.

Louis is so shocked he loses his balance on the ledge and his foot slips. Familiar hands grab him and pull him back onto the roof. Louis is now faced with the very person he wanted to talk to. Except the green eyed man is glaring at him, his whole body radiating with anger.

"You try to kill yourself, after all I've done to save you!" He yells and Louis flinches, filling with guilt.

"I just wanted to talk to you, prove that I wasn't going crazy" Louis says quietly not feeling so brave anymore. He was silently praying the stranger wouldn't vanish any moment now.

The green eyed man's face softens, all traces of anger leaving "I'm sorry" he apologizes looking at Louis with a sad expression.

"Just please explain why this is happening to me" Louis pleads his eyes filling with tears, he just wanted to know why.

The boy sighs "okay, just not here the roof isn't a safe place" he says giving Louis a pointed look.

Louis blushes at the comment but his heart fills with hope. He nods and leads the man with green eyes off the roof and to his apartment.


I'm sorry this chapter seems so rushed. I'm really sick. I have a weak immune system so this cold is really kicking my ass. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. If you're reading this then thank you so much. Honestly it shocks me when people read my stuff.

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