Mistletoe {Peterick oneshot}

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He taped it on Patrick's forehead right before the show. "Pete," Patrick whined. "What are you doing?"
"Taping mistletoe to your forehead, duh." Pete says, like it's totally normal. Which, with Pete, it probably is. Patrick has learned to just go with it, he learned it when they first met. You kind of have to learn to just go with it when someone gives you an wet kiss on the corner of your mouth about an hour after you were introduced just because of your stupid voice.
"Fine, whatever." He says, grabbing his guitar and walking on stage, the crowd screaming. Pete comes out a few seconds after him, smiling from ear to ear and showing his teeth.
"How's everyone doing tonight?" He screams into his microphone. The crowd screams, as loud as every other show, if not louder. "Do you guys like my little improvement to Patrick's outfit?" They scream louder. "Good! But don't get any ideas, Pattycakes is mine." He says, winking at the crowd. Patrick rolls his eyes.
"You wish, shortie." He says, leaning into his microphone.
"You're shorter than me, so you don't have room to talk." Patrick just rolls his eyes again, and gestures for Andy to start playing. Pete gives Patrick a look that clearly says 'Oh, I see' and starts playing the intro too.
When they're done with the set, Patrick is the first on off stage, Pete close behind. The mistletoe had fell off Patrick's forehead sometime during the second or third song, much to Pete's dismay. Apparently it didn't deter him too much though, because as soon as Patrick had wiped his face from sweat, Pete stuck another one on his forehead. Pete didn't say anything, just giggled and ran away, jumping onto Joe back and demanding him to run.
"Patrick, come help me!" Joe says, trying to shake Pete off. Patrick sighed. He walked over to where Joe was struggling, and promptly pulled Pete off of Joe.
"Thanks man." Joe says, brushing off his clothes like Pete had pushed him into a giant pile of dirt.
"Joe! Come help me with this equipment, since it's clear that Pete isn't planning on helping." Andy says, standing in front of the pile of equipment. Patrick starts towards him to help, but Andy holds up an hand. "Not you, Patrick. You get to deal with that." He says, gesturing to Pete. Patrick sighs and sits down, Pete throwing himself onto Patrick's lap moments later.
"Pete, do you really have to sit in my lap?" Patrick asks. "You're pushing me today, Wentz." The part where Patrick would have said 'I don't care how big of a crush on you I have' goes unheard by Pete. Pete just smiles and flicks the mistletoe that Patrick hasn't bothered taking off. Patrick just sighs and puts his arms around Pete, pulling him closer. Inconspicuously, of course.


When Patrick wakes up in a different city, he has another mistletoe on his head. "Pete!" He whines, ripping the mistletoe off. His curtain rips open and Pete is there, smiling ear to ear.
"Yes, my dear Pattycakes?" He says.
"Stop taping those stupid things to my forehead! Where do you keep finding them, anyways?" Pete nudges Patrick with his elbow and Patrick sighs, scooting over. Pete crawls into his bunk and lays his head on Patrick's shoulder, staring up at him.
"It's a secret" he says, smiling. He snuggles closer to Patrick, wrapping his arms and legs around the shorter man. Patrick sighs, knowing that he won't be able to get out of Pete's octopus hold until at least three hours later. He moves slightly, but Pete just squeezes him tighter. Patrick sighs again and closes his eyes, hoping for sleep.


During the next show, Pete sticks a fourth mistletoe on Patrick's forehead. By this point, Patrick has given up on figuring out where Pete keeps getting the mistletoe. The crowd screams, though. Most likely because Pete just keeps sticking fucking mistletoe on Patrick's forehead. He's betting it's a miracle that he doesn't have an red spot from the tape yet.
Their tour manager had announced that they were having an hotel night five minutes before they went on stage, and Pete had promptly screamed "dibs on rooming with Patrick!" before the tour manager had even finished the sentence. Patrick had just sighed and shook his head, walking away to get ready for the show. He could tell that it would be different from the rest.

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