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It's Christmas Eve!! Yay! :)

But no yay for me :(

I have to go to the dentist tomorrow (well technically today cuz I'm typing this at 1 in the morning) to get two cavities filled...boo me...I hope it's not painful.

Good news is that I'm on Christmas break...bad news is that my annoying Art Teacher assigned my AP class two projects over break. You know this lady is really getting on my nerves lately. She said that she wasn't going to assign us anything over break, but NOOOOO. I get an email from her a few days ago saying that she expects two projects from the class done when we return. Is she insane?!?! Must I remind her that I just finished a project right before the break?!?! I don't care if her cat just died! it's her fault she adopted a sick cat anyways. Oh and guess what? She just got a new cat a few days ago. So basically while I slave over two projects over break, she gets to play with her new kitty!!!!

GRRRRR!!!! When I return to school I am gonna complain and NO ONE is gonna stop me!!!! 

I really need to vent more often...man this felt good to type :)

Has anyone seen the movie Frozen yet? Well I haven't, so I'm jealous of anyone who has. I have been dying to watch that movie, but none of my friends are available! And no I'm not gonna watch it by myself, cuz I'm not allowed to do that. :p

Man, I just want this school year end now so I can just go to college. There are so many people in my school that I just can't stand. When I graduate, I hope that I NEVER see their stinkin' faces AGAIN!!!





Okie it is now almost 11:00 AM and I just got back from the dentist and got my two cavities filled. Man I was so nervous, especially when the doctor pulled out the drill. Even though most of my bottom jaw was numb (including my lips) I was still nervous, but I was a trooper and survived! You what makes me nervous, it's that the doctor and the assistant were making a conversation on other patients with another assistant who wasn't in the room! Shouldn't they be focused on my fillings?...Oh well, at least they were nice. They even let me listen to my music!. I was happy that I brought my phone and headphones with me that day. Oh did I forget to mention that I saw a cute guy there too? I think he was around my age, give or take a year or two. I saw him in the waiting area. He was tall, pale skinned, blonde, maybe blue eyes, and wearing all black(and a beanie!) It is rare for me to see cute guys cuz let's face it, I rarely go out. I think his name was Richard. What really got me was that when I was done with my fillings, I saw him at the front counter with some paper work and when he was about to leave, the lady at the front desk asked if he wanted to get a cleaning today, but he kindly declined, saying that he didn't want to put a burden on his grandma...doesn't that make you just want to say aww?Ohhhh the feels!!

Right now I'm hungry and I haven't eaten anything yet, but sadly I'm not allowed to eat until the numbing is gone...so that sucks :( Right now I feel like Raven Baxter from "That's So Raven" during the dentist episode. I'm also constantly wiping my mouth, making sure I'm not drooling. I feel like I'm drooling but I'm not...is that weird? Well that's all that has happened today...oh and I'm going to exchange gifts with my best friend! Yay, but I'm not gonna open it until tomorrow...so yeah..


~ invisible_me296 out :)

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