Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1

I swallow my breath, counting down the seconds in my head like a bomb waiting to detonate. He can't take it good, a baby? At 19? In no terms would my ex boyfriend, even a guy like Harry, be overjoyed to find out he knocked up his girlfriend who happens to be Taylor Swift. What a great thing to find out two days to Christmas, a baby. It's something I've always dreamed of but not this quick and suddle, I expected it when I had settled down and gotten married. Not off of some drunk hallucinations in New York with Harry Styles.

Harry is a good guy, don't get me wrong, he didn't do anything wrong in our relationship, we were just busy. If we're too busy for eachother, how would we have time for a child? But he has the right to know, and there's nothing more than I want than to have my baby have a father. I don't know what I would've done growing up without my dad, whether he was there all the time or not. Just some male figure being there.

I'm meeting him here, Nashville that is. He wasn't too surprised I called, we had remained decent friends throughout, but definitely stunned I asked to meet him in Nashville. He flew here immediately anyway though, despite a interview that he had planned and I had disputed for him to stay there. He came anyway though, being stubborn yet that's one of the best traits of him. He won't just leave you when you ask for something. I hope he does this now.

I scan the hustling Music City boulevard until I spot his figure thumbing through a record rack in a small shop. He wears his grey sweater with ripped jeans, hair tousled like it had been recently. My heart does a little jump at his showing, the part of me not totally convinced he would come is now numbed.

He glances up when he seems to feel someone watching and grins out the window at me, raising a hand to wave. I laugh and wave back, watching as he thanks the shopkeeper and exits to join me. As soon as he steps out, his arms are outstretched towards me welcomely. Before I can stop myself, I'm engulfed in his arms and smiling against his sweater. The hug lasts longer than the typical friendly and I politely squeeze out of his grasp and smile at him.

"Harry! How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaim as I step back and cross my arms together. He shrugs nonchalantly.

"I'm doing well, yeah, it's been awhile hasn't it?" He pauses to stare me down which sends me observing my brown boots. "So, where are we eating? Long flight.."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought maybe the Hard Rock Cafè? It's just at the end of the strip." I say as he starts off walking in the direction I pointed.

"Sounds great to me," He says. I'll tell him after the lunch, somewhere hopefully. Nothing can stay awkward long between us except maybe the situation I'm- we're in, right now.

The lunch goes pretty good, keeping the conversation healthy and happy. I keep on good notes and try to hide the uneasiness nipping at my tongue that wants me to rip my insides out. The thought of telling him drives me crazy, the last thing Harry and I need is more publicity than we already have. I'm a rolemodel to young girls all over the world, what would their parents say when they find out a boyband member knocked up their daughters rolemodel? It's degrading to even think about. And Harry... his career would be tarnished so badly. At 19, there's no way he's ready for this either.

After lunch, we basically just walk around talking so my nerves have a chance to cool, though all it does is amp them up.

"Okay, now what did you call me here to tell me?" He says suddenly, his expression turning stern and concerned. He must know I wouldn't call him for personal issues unless it involves him in one way or another. I'd most likely run to Ed before Harry, though I've told no one but my parents yet about this situation. I clench my teeth together, tell him now or never.

"Harry.." I take his wrist and sit him down at a nearby fountain, trying to make eye contact though it's hard to when saying something like this. We're not entirely in private like I would've liked but he can't totally scream at me out in public like he could in private. Nobody is really listening, most people passing being businessmen. He looks genuinely concerned, his hand gathering up mine at once, nodding encouragingly.

"Do you-do you remember that time we got a little tipsy in-um -New York?" I stumble over my wording. He nods, trying to piece it together. "Well-..Harry I'm pregnant." I burst quickly in one breath, squeezing my eyes closed.

I wait for his hands to be jerked from mine and screaming to start, to be pushed into the fountain even. Anything was expected, not just nothing. Somehow this makes it worse, waiting for your deathblow. I guess silence could kill. I open one eye cautiously to see Harrys stunned face. I wince again.

"Pregnant?" He confirms. I nod and a grin widens on Harrys face to my surprise. "Taylor, that's amazing! That's great! Oh my god, Taylor!" He shouts, lifting me from my position and spinning me around.

"Great? Y-you.. You think that's great?" I stutter, widening my eyes at him as he sets me down. He gives me an obvious look like I'm stupid or something.

"Of course! We're having a baby, a baby!" He rejoices again, quickly spinning on his heel and releasing me to face a man on the phone. He grips the mans shoulders, causing the poor guy to freeze in shock. "We're having a baby!" He shouts at the man, his smile extending from ear to ear.

Does he not know the situation? Does he not know our careers could be ruined by this bump on my stomach? This could end our careers, not just ruin them. And yet he's estatic about it. I don't know why I'm so angry about this, I should be happy he didn't just leave.

"Har- could we talk about this in private, like my apartment?" I cough out, my voice still uneven. He releases the businessman with an apology and turns to me with his smile unceasing. As if noticing again, he wraps me up in another hug and agrees, not really seeing my expression.

"Of course, sure." Before I can say another thing, he's tugging me forward by my hand, our fingers locked. The gesture sends me confused. As much as the baby could affect, would getting together actually work for us? My feelings for Harry haven't really wavered that much, I've learned to move on from him because we had broken up, but I still get that little raise of my pulse when I see him. We'll have to see how much that carries on to Harry as much as me.

•• A/N

Okay so first chapter heyyyy! I've decided to alternate on Affinity and Sanctuary. I'll start Affinity soon, I just wanted to start this now. I'm not sure when I'll update next but hopefully soon. MERRY CHRISTMAS BY THE WAY, I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH. Thanks for reading!



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