Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My heart pounding in my ears, my feet stinging as they hit the ground and I cannot help but be absolutely terrified right now. I don't know where I am going or how long I have been running from my attacker, but I do know two things: who it is chasing me and what they want.


I didn't say anything back, I couldn't. Only one thing is going through my mind at this moment and that is that I just want to be safe. Nothing can bring me down further at this point, Keep running, Just keep running Brie, You can do it, Just keep running. I told myself over and over again. When I felt my pace slowing I focused on those memories to fuel myself, the fear of ever being in that man's arms again was enough for me to keep running for another hour at least. All the memories of being so helpless, always vulnerable and constantly scared kept me going.

"Brie, I need some help with something, can you come in here?" My father asked.

"Sure Dad, one second" I replied.

Back then, I was happy, I had a family who loved me. Or that's what I thought all those years ago. I didn't know at the time what I was setting myself up for when I walked in to his bedroom, but I know that I will never forget what happened that night.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie or something, talk and cuddle like when you were younger" He suggested with a smile on his face.

"That sounds good to me." I answered with a smile on my face.

"Alright, now get over here. I've missed my little hummingbird" My father said while pulling me into the bed next to him. 

Just thinking about what happened after that disgusts me. It is the reason I am in this situation right now. Running from the one person I thought I could trust. The one man I grew up with in my life who's responsibility was to protect me, shelter me from all the bad things the outside world brings, not hurt me in the one way I never thought would be possible for a father to do to his own daughter.

I'm Brieanna Davis, my father sexually abused me when I was 12 years old and I have been on the run from him for 5 years now.

Looking back over my shoulder for the first time since I started running from him only hours ago, I wasn't surprised to see that he was still chasing me. He found me in a bar just after closing time; I have been running determined to lose him since he discovered me. I don't know how he found me, I move around every few weeks to avoid situations like this. I've been all around North America, not settling down to do anything and I am more than cautious when it comes to being noticed.

As I concentrate on running, just moving forward I notice that the sun is starting to rise. A little glimmer of hope flashed through my body in sudden realization. Just keep going, a little longer and it will be over. He can't chase you in broad daylight in front of witnesses. While giving myself a well needed boost a thought hit me.

Looking over my shoulder once again to confirm he was still pursuing me I took in my surroundings to get an idea of where I am. I noticed the all too familiar church I visit regularly fast approaching on my left, I knew exactly where I was. I then found my advantage. A sly smile crept upon my face as I remembered the downtown core of the city was only a few blocks away. I quickly turned to my right, cutting through an alley way heading down the back ends of houses.

After about another 15 minutes of running I confirmed that he was still following, so I decided to kick it up a notch. I may not spend much time in each place, but I do tend to get in with a few good people. I was running along one of the many downtown streets when an all too familiar store front caught my eyes. Quickly looking inside I recognized the familiar black shaggy hair moving to the back of the store, most likely going to break boxes. I quickened my pace and made a dash into the restaurant next to Alec and Dan's store. Locking the door behind me to gain some extra time, I made it to the kitchen in the back of the restaurant and flew out the emergency exit door. Turning swiftly to the left, I ran into the door next to it leading in to Alec and Dan's store. Quickly pulling the wedge from the door, securing it shut only to be opened from the inside.

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