The Truth About Love Ch.1

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"So, have you broken up with her yet? Dude, this is taking forever". Lance slammed his tray down on the cafeteria table, glaring daggers at me as he pulled up a chair to sit across from me.

I grinned innocently and muttered, "How can I break up with someone I'm not even interested in?"

Lance burst out laughing and slumped in his seat, fingering the unedible looking pizza crust on his tray. "So how was she?"

I rolled my eyes, "She's the most annoying woman I've ever been with. Freaking clingy as hell." It was true. The girl, Cassandra or Colleen or whatever the hell her name was, had stalked me all morning begging to know why I hadn't called her back and was ignoring her. I looked over a few tables away where the redhead sat staring dejectedly down at her tray of salad. Her head snapped up as if she knew I was staring at her. She sent me a hungry, lustful look that I cringed away from and turned away to Lance who gave me a knowing grin. I glared warningly at him.

Lance shook his head and leaned in closer to me, reaching out to pull himself closer to my ear and whisper whatever sick bit of information was playing in his twisted little mind. I slapped his hand away, "What the hell, dude? What are we, five?"

Lance pulled away and grinned, sinking into his chair. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Jake set her up with you. You know he has his eyes on the hotties".

I gave him a disgusted look and then chuckled, "I'll give you that one. Jake knows how to find the crazy ones".

My mind wandered to Saturday night when I was at Sam's party. Jake had set me up with one of the cheerleaders, daring me to bang her by the end of the night. I did, of course. It wasn't anything special, just protocol.  And although she never shut up, she was an animal in bed. Just thinking about our night made me sit erect and straight in my chair as I fought off the arousal hitting me just thinking about Cathy... or Carol......I couldn't remember whatever the hell her name was. I looked over at her table again. She was now immersed in texting on her phone, fingers moving furiously over the screen. She was chewing her lip as she concentrated and I remembered the vanilla flavor of her lips when I kissed her. If only she wasn't such an annoying child I could hold onto her for a few more weeks...

At the beginning of our sophomore year Lance, Jake and I with a few other football players had a bet that whoever hit up the most girls by the end of our senior year would win. What we would win, none of us really knew or cared. As long as the winner was named Top Dog or the Animal or something equally as stupid.

The rules were simple. You couldn't pick who you banged. The other guys did it for you . And you had to have banged them by the deadline given. After that, you had to break up with them. This never went well, what with clingy women. But I liked to watch the expressions of hurt and betrayal on their faces after I told them they were nothing but tools. It was like they believed I could be reined in by their charms. It was a very sick game, but I wasn't about to give up my pride for a few women with relationship issues. I was never going to be held down with a girlfriend. I was a player and fine with that.

The other guys were trying to trip me up. I was winning this and graduation was only 8 months away. They were pushing stubborn women on me left and right. But  no woman has been able to resist my charm. It just wasn't possible. I just had to sit back and watch as the others fumed while I came back with banged woman after banged woman, heart break after heart break. It was pretty amusing to watched the incredulous hurt and betrayal on every girl's face, as if what I'd done hadn't been expected. Idiots. I didn't  mind being a player. It was more fun this way.

Lance scowled at me as I grinned at him knowingly and slammed his crust on the table, effectively scattering pizza crumbs across the table. "Damn it. Why couldn't she have just freaking kicked you in the nuts, huh? That would make my life easier."

I chuckled and leaned back in my chair, resting my hands behind my head as I laughed at him. "I'm just too good, Lance".

Lance shot me a dark look and muttered, "I'd like to kick you in the nuts".

My grin widened and I cupped my hand over my ear, mocking, "What was that, Lance? Sorry, couldn't hear you. Too busy listening to the sound of 'you suck' and 'I'm awesome'".

Lance growled under his breath and threw the remainders of his crust at my head which I skillfully dodged. I laughed at him, spurred on by this temporary victory.

Lance slapped the table with his hands, suddenly smiling at me maniacally and I stared at him like he'd lost his mind. Lance grinned triumphantly and said, "It's my turn to pick the girl this time".

I leaned forward instantly, "Wait, what?!"

Lance and the other guys began to laugh at my confusion. I glared at them. "No, I don't think so." If Lance picked my girl I'd be screwed with this bet thing and lose. He would choose the most stubborn and obnoxious  girl who already had a boyfriend or was to shy to even hold a guy's hand let alone be persuaded into bed.

Lance grinned and began to look around for potential women. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. Lance was the most competitive out of all of us. He wasn't going to admit defeat in such a game as this. Most likely he was going to pick some ugly little geek from the chess club or whatever the hell nerds did in their spare time.

"Oooooh, Eric!" Lance sang.

Oooooh hell.

Lance gripped my arm and pulled me from my table to the front of the cafeteria where large windows overlooked the commons area outside and the array of tables set up under two large canopies.

"That's the girl you have to bang. This will be one of your toughest women, yet. Not that that's ever stopped you," he muttered under his breath. "So I give you until the Valentine's Dance to hit her up and break up with her".

I uncovered my hands to see Lance grinning gleefully as he pointed outside the cafeteria windows at the tables lined up under the blue canvas. I looked where he was pointing and immediately thought 'aw hell'.

Because he was pointing at a girl sitting at the second table in the first row in a faded green jacket and old worn jeans, tangled hair pulled into a messy ponytail, sneakers covered in dirt and holes. She was bent over a book as thick as my hand was wide, chewing on her fingernails and staring intently at the ink on the pages, blond locks covering her eyes and shading the pages of the book.

Lance had given me Elaina Jones to try to hit up by the Valentine's Dance!

The biggest freaking nerd in the school and most stubborn when it came to men. Hell, I'd never seen her with any guy ever. Not that I really looked anyways. There was nothing about her worth looking at. She looked plain at a distance. Cute, pretty maybe, but not worth my time. And she was so against dating and everything.

To me, she was just a toy. She was just fun to push around. A little plaything for the cheerleaders, and a way for me to amuse myself. I mused whether she was in any of my classes and couldn't remember. Was she even a senior? I wondered if I had to get close to her, pretend to be in love with her....that would make the game more exciting wouldn't it? I loved the idea of the chase, the challenge. But was she even worth my time? She was a freak....

And I had to bang her!?

COMMENT! VOTE! FAN! I'd love the feedback pleeeeeease:):):):) this is my first romance story

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