The Signs After You Hurt Them

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♈️Aries-Will literally break things you own
♉️Taurus-Acts like they don't hear you
♊️Gemini-Tries (and fails) to blackmail you
♋️Cancer-doesn't communicate for weeks until you apologize
♌️Leo-Unfollows you on everything, then sends a rant text to a friend
♍️Virgo-Hella pissed at you but probably cries
♎️Libra-Thinks that you hate them
♏️Scorpio-Looks chill, but as soon as you leave, they are bawling and blaming themselves
♐️Sagittarius-You don't exist in their life anymore
♑️Capricorn-Hunts you down, you can not hide and makes you apologize
♒️Aquarius-Hides under blankets and talks to themselves
♓️Pisces-Literally will not talk to you

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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