Chapter Six: A Mother's Love

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Chapter Six:


A Mother’s Love

Emmeline Jardine tried her hardest to forget about the poor soul under her feet. She had taken a bath to wash away the evidence of her visit, but as she lay on her bed in the darkness, her mind trailed to Samhain night when she was ripped from her mother’s arms. The party had been just as beautiful as she imagined. She hadn’t even allowed herself to go downstairs until the guests arrived because she didn’t want to ruin the magic, but now, it was the worst day of her life. All that was left of the beauty from that night were the clothes she had shed in favor of the plain gowns hanging in the wardrobe. Her owl-like eyes roamed over to the nightstand drawer where she stowed all her jewelry after she knew she would not be leaving any time soon. The room was nearly consumed with shadow, but as she opened the drawer, her favorite brooch sparkled. It was her mother’s, and after months of eyeing it in her ebony jewelry box, she had allowed Emmeline to wear the diamond and enamel sprig of forget-me-nots for the party. As she ran her fingers over the stone petals, it was as if she could smell the warm vanilla and honey perfume of her mother’s boudoir.


The young woman shot up, ratting the cot at the sound of the familiar voice. The tall, stately figure of Madeline Jardine sat in the worn chair in the corner. Through the darkness, Lady Jardine glowed with her porcelain skin and plum gown. Even her jet hair shown and reflected a sourceless light.

“Mama!” she cried as she jumped out of bed to embrace her, but her mother raised her hand to stop her. “Oh, mama, you don’t know how I have missed you. Why didn’t you come for me?”

Lady Jardine rested her weightless hands on her daughter’s arms and held her far enough away for her to see her mother’s byzantine eyes moistened with tears. “Sweetheart, I looked so hard for you, and I never stopped.”

 “What is the matter, mama?”

“You need to find a way out of this place tonight.”

“But how? I have tried everything. The alley by the window is so narrow even cats can’t fit through and all the doors are locked.”

“There are other ways for both of you to get out.”

“Both?” the girl snapped. “How am I supposed to get him out? He can scarcely walk! If I escape, I could always come back with the police. They could rescue him.”

Lady Jardine gripped Emmeline’s arms until her nails indented her flesh. “No, you must take him with or you will both perish. It is imperative that you do it. Do you not understand how serious this is?”

“But you found me. Why can’t you come and get me?” she asked, her voice trembling as she squeezed the pin in her grasp until the diamond settings dug into her palm.

Madeline gently rubbed her daughter’s balled up hand and held it to her lips. “Because I can’t.”

As their eyes met, Emmeline saw her mother was crying but couldn’t understand why. She was so happy to see her after being away from home for so long. Then, she stared down at the brooch, her mother’s brooch. It wasn’t a dream, she was reading her jewelry. The grief washed over her, running through her eyes, squeezing her ribs, and engulfing her wholly as she stumbled back.

“No, mama, no, it— it can’t be. You can’t be—”

Lady Jardine crushed her weeping daughter to her breast one last time as her little body was racked with sobs. Tears streamed down her cheeks and neck, never clinging to the ethereal violet fabric of her mother’s gown. Seeing her only child cry hurt more than the flames, but she wanted to be the one to tell her. They were all each other had for sixteen years, and now, they must part. When the child’s cries finally slowed, Madeline carefully wiped her face and brushed her dark hair back into place. Placing both hands on the sides of Emmeline’s flushed cheeks, she kissed her forehead and the scant trail of freckles on her nose. Her energy was fading, dimming her image before it brightened again.

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