*CH 3: How I Met Him!*

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Hopes and Dreams will find your true love!

    #*~READER'S POV~*#

"Right!" Dominique answered cheerfully. They introduced themselves. I gladly know their names and we talking a little about random stuff. "Nik, where's Hermione?" "Oh, she's still in Lucis. Working as a doctor." she answered happily. "Really!? That's good" I reply.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, we stopped talking and we looked at the blonde-haired man. "Hey Cloud!" said Zack as he approached him and gave him a hug, patting him in the back. "(Y/n). This is Cloud Strife. Cloud, meet (Y/n) Caelum. She will be staying here." he said, patting Cloud's back. "Nice to m-meet you (Y/n)." he stuttered, looking downwards. "Likewise." I said in a strong British accent and smirked. He blushed and looked away. I then remember him. "You're that man I bumped into earlier. I deeply apologized-" "Oh No. It's alright" he said. "Dinner's ready, everyone!" Yuffie told us. "Oh boy! Eat!" Reno shouted.

After dinner, I went outside, need some fresh air. I saw Cloud lies on the ground, gazing at the twinkling stars covered beautiful night sky. The moon light illuminates his skin, giving it somewhat a glow, along with his spiky blond hair. He's cute. I blushed at the thought. I walked towards him. He watched me as I sit beside him and lay down.

"(Y/n), What are you doing here?" he asked. "Just wanted to lay and watched the stars. I saw you here so I decided to lay down beside you." I said and tilted my head to the side, seeing him directly in his ocean blue eyes. I saw his cheeks tinted in light pink blush and he looked away. "Back at home, I always went out to gaze at the night... My dad scolding me for not asking permission to go out. He's overprotective after that...incident." I mumbled at the last part, not wanting to let hear it. Not knowing he heard that.

My phone rang, interrupted us two. I looked at it and saw Noct was calling. "Hi bro!" I answered annoyingly. "Hi (Y/n)! I heard father let you go out there. How's it going? Are you having any fun?" he asked in a serious tone. "Yeah. A little bit. I just met new friends." I answered his question. "Where are you? Can I go with you?" he asked hopefully. "Can I go too?" asked a familiar hyperactive voice, Prompto. "No way dude."

"WHAT!?" My ears almost bleeding at the phone, at his shouting. "But you are alone! I'm going there to protect you. You just met your friends, right? What if they're trying to hurt you!?" he shouted, concerned. "Calm down Noct! You know my ears are sensitive. I can take care of myself. Besides, Dominique is here. She knows and trusted them well. Bye bye! Don't you dare call me again unless you need anything!" "Wait what!? Is Dominique there?" he asked in a surprised tone. "Uh... Yeah. Bye now!" I hang up the phone and turn it to vibrate mode.

"Sorry Cloud if I'm so loud here." I started to apologize but he interrupted.

"No, No, No! It's fine. Don't worry" he said while waving his hand. "By the way, who's calling?" he asked in his deep voice.

"Oh! My brother called me and asking if I allowed him to go with me. I declined."

"Why?" why is he so curious so suddenly?

"Because I didn't want to. I need to be here for a while without them."

"I guess I'm tired now. Have a goodnight, Cloud." with that I headed to my room. Cloud watched me walking towards my room. He felt a bit sad that I have to leave.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! If you like it, punch the big fat vote button that would be great! I'll keep update soon.

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