Chapter 1- Music College

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Abbie's POV

Today's the day!

Today me and Emily finally get to start music college, this is all I've ever wanted to do with my life.

Emily picked me up in her car and we drove off to London to the college we were going to attend.

"Emily, do you realise this could be it" I beamed.

She looked at confused, "what could be it?" She asked

"Our chance" I told her.

She smiled, "yeah" she nodded, "I'm so excited"

Emily wasn't actually going to music college, she was going to a dance university that was nearby, but since the schools we were both attending were so close together, we've decided to rent a flat together.

We pulled up at my new college and I hopped out of the car, "Argh I'm so scared and so nervous at the same time" I laughed.

Emily smiled, "don't forget to call me later baby" she said to me

"I won't, and thankyou for the lift" I said

She smiled, "Okay bye"

"Have a good time" I called

"You too" she called back driving off.



Here you go, it's the 23rd December, the day I said I'd publish this fanfiction for Abbie Moseley

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