Chapter 6: Home

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"Sir, I'm afraid to confirm you that our targets managed to escape." A man said in a black suit over to the phone.

He flinched when he heard a slam.

'How could you have lost them?! I gave you the equipments that you needed and yet you failed?' He said harshly, fueled with disappointment and anger.

"I apologize-"

'I do not want your ridiculous apologies. I want the assassins. I shall repeat myself for the last time. You need to capture them before Desmond finds them, understood?'

"But the girl sir. There was a girl with them and she helped them escaped."

'So? Kill her if you have to.'

'But sir the girl can be useful. She is possibly one of Desmond's allies since he handed them to her care. With her, we can get some important information about the assassins and Desmond's hideout."

'We can discuss more of this later. But for now. Track down the girl.'

Parking the pickup truck on a parkinglot, you turned and took the car keys. You feel the truck's engine died down as you sighed in relief that you're were still alive. You can still feel your heart beating fast from the incident.

"I suppose we're here..." Connor said, breaking the silence.

Altair, who just woke from the journey, let out a long yawn. You chuckled. Seeing the normally serious and stoic Altair yawn was amusing. He glared at you. However before you could let him say a comment, you went out of the truck to join the others.

Looks like Altair wasn't the only one feeling tired under the trip, Edward himself look unmistakably tired as well.

"Oh god!" You gasped when you saw a flesh wound on his left arm. No wonder he felt tired! Dashing over to him and expecting the wound. "Why didn't you guys say anything?"

"Don't worry about it lass. I'm used to it." He reassured, laying his hand on your shoulder comfortingly.

"Used to it?!" You stared at him as if he were crazy. Maybe he's just trying to act manly or something. Typical men. "Ok- no yeah! We still need to patch you up."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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