Take me instead

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Hello :)

This is my first time attempting to write, okay, it's my third, but I never went passed the first paragraph until now. I always had so many ideas, but when I tried to put them down, I'd get stuck. Anyway, This is only my prologue.....an event later in the story. I wanted it to be exciting, I don't know if people would like it.  I have the first chapter pretty much finished, will be uploading soon. 

I hope you guys would actually WANT to continue reading after the first Ch, let me know.  

Constructive criticism and suggestions are encouraged. Thanks :)


Fae continued to struggle with the ropes at her wrists, her skin almost raw and bloodied from all the friction. She couldn’t feel the pain because of all the adrenalin coursing through her veins, all she could feel were the few drops of blood trickling down her wrists. Almost, she thought, struggling to hold back the tears, silently cursing herself for being weak.

 She had been unconscious from the blow she received to her head, so she hadn’t seen her attacker. Once she’d woken up, she found herself lying in the middle of an empty cabin, her head was throbbing and throat dry. Her legs were bound tight and her wrists were tied behind her back, and fastened to a pole.

 She wasn’t planning on dying, so she had to try and escape.

 She needed to find Lina.

Fae relaxed and let her eyes roam around the room. The cabin looked almost abandoned, dust and grime filled almost every surface. The furniture was old and torn, the windows smeared with dirt and frames hung crookedly on every wall—ready to fall at any second. Dishes were piled up near the sink and trash littered the whole floor. It was disgusting.

An image of her daughter, beaten and bloodied, suddenly came to mind. Fae panicked and started struggling, unaware of the pain shooting up her arms and the blood now seeping from her wrists. She was terrified for her daughter and for herself.

 A loud thump caused her to still. He’s back, she thought. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She slowly scanned the room to see where the noise came from and shrunk back once her eyes focused on the kidnapper blocking the front door.

“Hello again Fae”

Her eyes widened in horror. “You….”

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