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Christine woke up in her bed, expecting to see her room in Raoul's mansion, but she was not in her bed in her room in Raoul's mansion. She was in another, yet familiar place.

Her bedroom.

In her apartment.

In the modern age.

She blinked a number of times to clear her head of the odd dream she had, but she couldn't shake it from her mind. It was all so real for her, so maybe she should write it down? Or talk to someone about it? She knew certainly that the dream would not leave her alone.

No. Why would it? The dream was so elaborate, like it was all planned. But surely, it was just a dream, right?

She shook her head and got out of bed, and searched for her phone. She turned her phone on and looked at the messages that loaded. Several emails from her job, a few texts about payments being due soon, one from a friend, and an alarm, well, more like a reminder, to talk to her doctor for a check-up. Maybe she can ask him about her dreams, or point her in the right direction to someone who can.

She had set her phone down and then roamed around her house quickly to get ready to go to her job, which wasn't all that fun, yet.

Christine checked on the time about an hour later, and rushed out the door to get to her job on time.

But why wouldn't the dream leave her alone?


This will be a short story! In fact, it has seven chapters! It gets to the point, kind of. ^~^

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