Your good without it

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Did you know that you look beautiful without makeup? Did you know that when you spend half an hour trying to make your face look pretty is such a waist of time, when your already pretty, you could have used that half hour to... Idk maybe study for an upcoming test that you want really good marks on, but you are fine just the way you are, and you are not in need of any change, you are fine just the way you are, sure the makeup "adds" to the beauty but you are the base, there's no need for layer after layer of foundation and other makeups to "get rid" of your "ugly" spots, because I'm telling you that you are perfect the exact way you are, makeup or not.

Hey guys this is all my opinion and I found by saying stuff like this, it may hurt but it helps it did for my friends, please don't hate me, if you do then just stop reading if not the keep reading comment and Vote, see ya

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