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"Hello from the other side.
I must of called a thousand times.
To tell you I'm sorry.
For everything that I've done.
But when I call you never seem to be home.
Hello from the outside.
At least I can say that I've tried.
To tell you I'm sorry.
For breaking your heart.
But it don't matter it clearly
Doesn't tear you apart anymore."

Samantha P.O.V

I still can't believe Moriah wants to divorce me. We were so good together. I guess I can't blame nobody but myself. Jordan was just lust for me. I thought I was in love with him but I'm not. Moriah is my heart, my soul, my everything. I need her. I know I fucked up and I know I was wrong for what I did. I just want her to forgive me so we can move past this.

I sat outside of the house we use to share. I knew she was here because her car was parked in the drive way. All the lights were off except the one in our bedroom. Everything in me was telling me to just leave but I just couldn't move.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the door opened and Moriah was standing in the doorway looking at me.

Her face held no emotions but could see the dried up tears on her face from where I sat.

I got out the car and walked up to her.

"Moriah please don't do this baby. It was a mistake. I love you with everything in me. I want us to be together. I want us to have this baby and be a family together. I don't want Jordan. It was only lust. I'm not in love with him. I am in love with you and only you baby. Can you please just forgive me. We can work through this. Your hurting I understand that baby. I'm hurting to because I know I hurt you. That was the last thing I wanted to do baby. I never meant to hurt you like that baby. I never meant to hurt you at all. Baby please just please tell me we can make this work I don't want to lose you."

"Samantha I'm so broken. You just don't know how deep you cut me. It's like you said fuck my heart, ripped it out, drove over it, and left it there. I gave you everything. Was I not good enough for you? Was I not what you wanted? I married you. I said vows to you. Promises to you. I fucking said I Do to you only for you to break me. I was faithful and true to you. You stand here and say you wanna work things out but I can't. I'm hurt to bad. I would never do you like that and you know that. I thought you wouldn't either but I guess after years of knowing you I still don't know you as well as I thought." She said looking me in my eyes.

It literally broke me to see the hurt on her face. I was causing her so much pain. She didn't want anything to do with me and I understood why.

"Baby at least tell me you'll think about it. I don't want a divorce Riah; andI know you don't want one either."

"There is nothing to think about. Yeah true enough I don't want a divorce; but I refuse to be with someone that cheated on me." She said

"Baby we can try separation and therapy if you want I just don't want to lose you Moriah. I Love You!"

" Can I at least have some time to think about it."

"Take all the time you need baby."

I watched her walk back inside and I went back to my car.

At least she said she will think about it.

All I Can Do Is Pray And Wait.

Moriah P.O.V

"So wifey gone." My coworker Hannah asked me.

Hannah is a really good friend. When I called her and told her about me and Sam and what happened she came right over. She parked down the street just in case Sam came by it wouldn't look like I was seeing someone already. Hannah is very beautiful but I can see myself doing that to Sam even if she did do me wrong.

"Yeah she wants to go to therapy but I don't know."

"Do you still love her?" She asked

"That's not even a question you should ask. I love that girl with all my heart. Anybody in the world could see that if we were together. She just really fucked up my trust. But I'm willing to give it a try if it will save us."

"She is hurting and so are you. Neither of you want to give this up. Y'all love is still strong. Y'all bond is unbreakable. Don't throw that away Moriah you might regret it later on in life."

I let her words sink in. I wasn't ready to give up on our marriage but I'm hurting.

When you love someone and they do some like this that shit hurts you deeply.

But I still love her with all my heart so I'm going to give this a try.

I hope I don't end up regretting my decision.

Hay guys! I know I been gone for 3 1/2 months. Basic training was hell but I graduated. I am official apart of the ARMY and I am honored to have the chance to fight and defend my country.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I know it's kind of short but a long one is coming soon. Continue to rock with me. I love all of you.

Love Lies and More Serctes(Lesbian Story)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now