Love: Good or Bad?

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As I said before,

Love causes pain,

So, therefor,

I won't be kissing in the rain,

Love blinds us,

Have you not noticed?


You shall be noted,

If you want love,

Risks come your way,

A white dove,

Won't make your day,

Love is great,

It's fun,

And it blocks out hate,

But the weight of a ton,

But that's just the good side,

When you love someone,

They might shove you aside,

Or they might be gone,

Families have love, they share it,

They've always have, they always will,

Love doesn't bite, you won't be hit,

Love is bigger than a hill,

But someone might get hit or bit,

For this so called love,

Families don't always provide it,

Love is too cruel, it doesn't go above,

If you think love can cure you,

You're wrong. It doesn't do anything,

Why should you feel love? And for who?

Just think.

Love doesn't cure, it makes you feel better,

Love is for the brave and the strong,

You feel love by many ways, songs, words, even a letter,

Love stays with you, it'll always come along,

Love is for the foolish and the lonely,

It only made me feel worse and bad,

Besides my family, love did nothing for me. It's not lovely,

It only makes me mad.

My prince charming will never show up,

So I'm not going to wait for a silly dream,

I'm done with love, it filled my "annoyed" cup,

Love is never like it would seem.

What do you think about love?

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