Lovely Sins

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We are in church..
Yet you're the most godly thing I see.
You bring out all the love inside of me.
Make me forget all that the Bible told me to be.
It's outdated anyway.
I'd choose you any day.
Even if it meant hell wasn't far away.
Am I selfish for that?
Turning my back on god for you, when he never turned his on me ?
These are thoughts of a religious person whose soul is free.

-I think God accepts all his children. No matter what race, gender, or sexuality.. I think the disciples left that out because they didn't yet understand.
How it feels when you grab hold of my hand.

-Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

-I want to marry you in a church and defy all the odds baby.

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