Chapter 5: The King of Omashu

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“The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!” Anya declared as she, Sokka, Katara and Appa came up over the rise. “I used to come here all the time, to visit my friend Bumi.”

“Wow,” Katara said. “We don’t have cities like this in the South Pole.

“They have buildings that don’t melt,” Sokka said.

“Well, then let’s go, slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city!” She flew into the air, then began darting to and fro down the mountain.

“Wait, Anya!” Katara cried. “It could be dangerous, if people find out that you’re the Avatar.”

“You’ll need a disguise,” Sokka said.

“So, what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?”

In the end, Anya ended up wearing her hair in a bun with one of the Earth Kingdom’s well known straw hats, and a long blue cloak. She pushed the hat back from her forehead.

“It’s so hot!” she complained.

“You look like a little old lady,” Sokka informed her.

“Well, technically Anya is a hundred and fifteen years old,” Katara said. Anya hunched over and leaned heavily on her staff.

“So, let’s get to going, young whippersnappers. The big city awaits!” And she hobbled off.


“You guys are going to love Omashu,” Anya said as they neared the gates. “These people are the friendliest in the world.” They looked ahead, hearing yelling. Two rude guards shoved a man back, then used their Earthbending skills to toss his produce over the ledge. It smashed apart on the rocks below.

“No! My cabbages!”

“Just keep smiling,” Anya said, hobbling forward. Katara gave a nervous laugh. One of the guards lifted a huge rock and held it above Anya’s head.

“State your business.”

“My business is my business, young man, and none of yours!” Anya said, poking him in the chest. “And if you don’t let us in, I will bend you over my knee and paddle your backside--”

“Settle down, grandma!” the man cried, dropping his boulder behind her. “Just tell me who you are?”

“Name’s Bellona,” she said, smiling widely. “Bellona Theocomplicatus…the third! And these are my grandkids!”

“Hi!” Katara said brightly, stepping forward. “June Theocomplicatus. Nice to meet you.” The guard pointed at Katara.

“You seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandmother stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu.” He stepped aside.

“We will!”

“Wait a minute!” the guard called as Sokka walked by. He froze. “You look like a strong young man. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandmother’s bag!”

“Good idea!” Anya croaked, tossing her ‘grandson’ the satchel. The gates creaked open, and they walked through. They gazed down at the beautiful city. “This is the Omashu delivery system,” Anya said in her normal voice. “Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings the packages up…and gravity brings them down.”

“Great, so they get their mail on time,” Sokka said with a shrug.

“They do get their mail on time. But my friend, Bumi, found a better use for these chutes.” Anya smiled mischievously.


“Look around you! What do you see?” Bumi said, smiling widely.

“Um…the mail system?” Anya guessed, pulling her long hair over one shoulder and cocking an eyebrow.

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