Chapter One

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Each time my sneakers smacked against the track, an intense vibration shot up through my entire lower body. A vibration strong enough that my legs threatened to give out. But the thought of the ticking watch on my wrist propelled me further despite the screaming in my limbs.

No pain no progress, my mom's words buzzed around in my mind.

The backpack I marked as my starting point quickly flew into view. Only a few more strides.

Somewhere behind me a voice called out my name.

Hurling myself across the imaginary finish line I fumbled to stop my watch as I slowed to a light jog. Holly began frantically waving from across the grassy field in the center of the track. Her blonde, bow clad ponytail bobbed up and down as she walked towards me with her cheerleading bag slung across her perfectly tanned shoulders.

"Let me see," Holly said bending her head to peer at the glowing LED screen of my sports watch. Her bow came extremely close to poking me directly in the eye.

After a few long seconds, my oxygen deprived brain finally registered the numbers on my watch. "A new PR," I managed to get out in choppy breaths.

Holly attempted to elbow me in the arm as a congratulations, but instead connected her elbow right in the center of my stomach. I doubled over and began coughing.

"I am so sorry Shay!"

Holly ran over to my backpack and fished around inside it before tossing me my water bottle.

"Thanks," I panted pulling the top up with my teeth to take a long swig.

When Holly is cheerleading, she is graceful and composed. But when she's not, she is a walking disaster. I raised my arms over my head and began to take deep breaths. Once I was able to breathe again I gathered all my stuff and started walking with Holly.

"Hang on one second," I said stopping and bending down on the last bit of grass before the parking lot.

I pulled down my calf compression sleeves and massaged my shins and calves. Standing up I stood on my tip-toes to stretch them.

"If your shins are bothering you again then why are you doing extra running?" Holly asked.

After my cross-country practices I usually do some extra running on the track while I wait for Holly to finish cheerleading practice. Coach Laggen had mentioned me doing sprints this indoor season and had given me a training plan on how to improve my times.

"Because it doesn't hurt to prepare," I said in a nasally voice imitating my mom. Holly laughed as we began to walk again.

"So, what should it be tonight? Moe's or Cava?" Holly asked.

"One day all the junk we eat is going to catch up with us," I chastised, playfully bumping my shoulder against hers.

"Hey, don't kill my vibe. I don't want to think about that right now. "

"Well we have free Moe's for four more months so we better take advantage of it," I pointed out as we reached our cars.

The night before the Moe's grand opening in our town Holly and I camped out with all of our friends in front of the restaurant so we could be among the first 100 people to enter and win free Moe's for a year.

"Alright Moe's it is." Holly said just as the outdoor exit of the boy's locker room slammed open and the football team came pouring out all showered after their practice.

Shit, was it that time already?

"Crap I need to go," I said rummaging for my keys in my backpack. I made a mental note to store them in an easier place for faster get-aways.

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